Chapter 10: Elementary My Dear, Emo

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I don't think I've fully processed what the fuck has happened these past two weeks. My life is just a huge cluster fuck right now, it doesn't help that I'm lying to Roman and claim to myself that I have a plan. I have no idea what I'm doing though, so that's fun. I just don't get it, why do dad and Deceit hate Roman so much? Did he do something stupid? Is dad just all of a sudden against humans? Nothing makes sense and I hate it. I run my fingers through my hair, my head is reeling. What can I do about it? How am I supposed to do anything if I don't know what's going on? Looks like I'm gonna have to do some next level Sherlock Holmes shit to figure this one out. Maybe I should try putting myself in the mindset of Sherlock Holmes, or someone I know a little better. If I can't get the real Sherlock Holmes to help me out then I can get the next best thing. I haven't got time to overanalyse things right now, but this is kinda risky. Oh fuck it, I need to talk to Logan. I glance over at my phone and pick it up with shaking hands, if I'm gonna put things right I'm gonna need some help.
"Hey L."
"Greetings and salutations, Virgil." I gulp down the lump in my throat. "Is something the matter." Darn that concerned tone.
"Uhh kinda..."
"I assume you need my help."
"Yeah..." Shit, why aren't any sentences coming out?
"Well what'd you need help with exactly?"
"It's kinda complicated and there's a lot of links and everything in between goes nothing." I lower my voice. "So basically, I'm a vampire." Everything falls silent for a second, my heart is beating out of my chest. This silence is killing me, please Logan just say something.
"Well I suppose that makes sense, but what am I helping with here?"is is gonna be a long day. So after hours of painful explanations and confusing questions Logan enters his own little world for a minute. Essentially his mind palace, but he refuses to call it that because he likes to deny the fact he's a huge dork sometimes.

I sit on Logan's bed and he takes out a notebook and pen. L thought this'd be easier face to face so I assume he's still in his brainstorm phase. He's still pacing and jotting things down until he looks like and ideas just hit him. He takes a seat in his desk chair and faces me.
"So you say this hatred towards Roman was very sudden?"
"Yeah, Roman and I have been dating for a while and he's been fine but when I realised the conversation downstairs was him and Roman, I assumed he'd done something stupid."
"That's fair enough, but what made you change your mind?"
"Well Roman is just as confused as I am."
"Your father knows something you don't, something about Roman he hates." He ponders. "Virgil what did you hear him say to Roman that night?"
"Something like 'stay away from my son' and 'you're dangerous bleh bleh bleh.' I dunno" L rolls his eyes at me.
"Think Virgil." Now we're both pondering.
"Well something that caught me off guard was, he said 'I'll never accept you for who you are.' But what does that mean?" Logan didn't answer he started up his his laptop, working quickly and typing so fast my brain couldn't catch up. I look at the screen and my mouth falls open. "Roman's family were, vampire hunters?"
"Oh my god Dad's gonna crucify me." I stand up and start pacing. "Then Roman, and Deceit must've known too and-"
"Virgil?" He stands and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look over at him, my breathing quick and heavy. "I'd like you to perform a quick breathing exercise with me." Logan manages to calm me down and he's more or less exited work mode by now. We lie on our backs staring up at the ceiling, he takes this opportunity to be a complete dork about how I'm a vampire. "You know I never in a million years would've thought I'd ever know weather vampires are real or not, but now I know...and that means Roman was umm." he struggles to get the words out.
"Right." I finish his sentence for him,he looks like he might malfunction.
"Yes that, and I was..."
"Less right."
"Indeed." I smile and shake my head, L straightens his tie for the hundredth time and begins fiddling with a Rubics Cube from the side of his bed.
"But how'd you get all that." I gesture to his laptop. "From an  overheard conversation?"
"A simple game of connect the dots, elementary my dear...emo." I smirk at him and he sets the now solved Rubics Cube aside.
"Nice." I say, amused.
"Thank you." He smiles back fondly.

"Roman a vampire hunter." Remus laughs hysterically through the phone.
"I know." I smirk.
"Oh Virgil that is too rich." I snicker at his dramatics, they'd kill me if the heard me say it but the twins are extremely alike.
"But it's true."
"You even got Doctor Hot to confirm it for you, huh."
"Well you have fun with your boy trouble and Daddy issues, I have some 'Daddy' issues of my own." He slurs.
"You finally gonna ask Logan out?"
"Chicken." He hangs up on my, coward. I decided to tell Remus about what happens knowing he's less of a steel safe and more of a brick wall. Besides that he's the only person I can tell that won't get me killed so that's a bonus I guess. I just want things to be okay again.

Sorry this chapter took so fucking long mental health had me ded and famalam shit hope u enjoyed this 💗

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