Chapter 4

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Lisa has been friends with me for at least 6 months. Seeing her hurt makes me feel so bad. How can Jennie not accept her? She had been a nice girl. Yea, she is nice but in a goofy way.

We, by we I mean Lisa and me, sometimes is pissed with Ten. He never takes things seriously. He had at least more than 5 girlfriends, all broke up with him for the reason:

"You never take things seriously!"

If we, ourselves can't bear with Ten, what can his girlfriends do anymore?

We, again, I and Lisa, would still stick by
Ten because, his the happy pill. He jokes too much. He plays basketball like a professional.


She doesn't care anymore, does she? Stupid me. Why did I fall for her at first?

Oh yeah,

Because I'm a fool.

Being a fool isn't wrong, but being a fool for someone is. Why would I think she even likes me in the first place? Why did I even think of courting her?

*I'm a gummy bear, yes, I'm a gummy bear-*

I heard a phone ringtone making noises from behind.

"L-Lisa," BamBam called, I stopped walking and turned around. "What?"

He showed me the phone he was holding which was mine of course.


Ah, yea. I saved her number like that. I rolled my eyes. "Decline it," I said coldly. I'm tired. I wanna go home and sleep.

"B-but she would know you de-"

"Do it!"

BamBam declined it straight away. I felt sorry for treating them like that though. I'm just tired.

My phone started to ring. Ringing from one to another. Ugh. I shouldn't have asked BamBam to declined it.

I let my hand out motioning BamBam to hand my phone over. He gave me my phone and I accepted it.


"Lisa! Help!"

"W-what's happening?"

"It's him!"


"My uncle! Please! Lisa!"

I immediately hand up and start running towards Jennie's house.

Jennie's uncle had been harassing her lately. And every time she told her parents, her parents wouldn't believe her. Mr. Kim's older brother, 3 wives, 16 children. All grown up.

Crazy. I know.

Heard that he had been hooking up with women he met at the bar.

As soon as I reached Jennie's house I heard peals of laughter. BamBam and Ten arrived right after I did. Both of them panting.

"How did we even get to play basketball? We can't even run for 5 minutes," Ten joked. Geez. This guy never takes things seriously.

I kicked the door open and saw Jennie's uncle. Another uncle. Not the one that harassed her. Laughing watching the comedy shows on the flat screen.

"Uhm? Hey, Lisa? Right? Jennie's not at home. She's out with a guy, Sehon? Sehan? I don't know. Something with an S, I think?"

*I'm a gummy bear, yes, I'm a gummy bear-*


"You just got pranked!"

Fuck. Stupid me.

Not much angst like I promised. I suck at writing angst but I want to. So yea! Another update! Want a double update?

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