Chapter 19

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Yes, the third milk ice cream was for Jennie. I don't even know why I'm doing this.

Mrs. Kim asks me to sit down on the sofa in the living room while she calls for Jennie.

"Jennie, come down, Lisa is here," and as soon as she heard my name, I heard a thud.

"Jennie, did you fall?" Mrs. Kim questioned. I guess she did. I heard a giggle from upstairs. "I'm okay," she shouted from above. I shook my head and looked at the ice cream.

Surprisingly, it didn't melt, well it did a little bit, but it's still in shape.

She walked down and walked slowly to me. "W-Why did you cum?" She stammered us.

"I wanted to give you this," I handed her the half-melted milk ice cream. She smiled and sat down. She starts eating it slowly.

"Why would you give me this after all I did to you?"

"Because my love and care for you never faded,"

Jennie looked at the almost finished ice cream. I saw tears fall and went inside the ice cream. "Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"I treated you like shit, and you— you still care for me. I never asked why did you cry, but you did. I don't deserve you, Lisa. Please go home,"

I nodded slowly, "If that is what you want, then okay, take care," I stood up and stretched my arms.

"Mrs. Kim I'm going home first okay?" I walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Kim is at, she nodded and when I walked past her I whispered; "I'm sorry for whatever happened at the dinner table,"


As soon as I reached my apartment, I opened the door and straight away hop on the sofa.

Why did I buy her ice cream? What's wrong with me? I can't seem to get her off my mind. I can't move on.

A few days had passed and it's the weekend, which means I have to work from home and relax.

I took my laptop and switched it on. I started writing a report, and as I was writing, I heard my door being knocked. Why would anyone come at this hour?

I walked over to the door and swung it open and it revealed Jennie.

A sad Jennie?

Why is she sad? I got her favorite ice cream.

My thoughts were cut off when I felt warm arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked down at Jennie then I heard sobs. "Lis, I'm sorry, I have done bad things to you, please Lisa, I need you to cum back," she sobbed out. Her voice was muffled.

"No, I'm sorry Jennie, I'm not ready, and I have a girlfriend," I said. She let go and looked at me. "Break up with her, please, Lisa," she begged. "No, I said I'm not ready,"

"I'm tired," I said and was about to close the door, but Jennie stuck her foot and block the door from closing. "I'm sleepy,"

"Let me sleep with you tonight,"




"Yes? I heard you say yes," then she got in. I rolled my eyes and close the door. "I'll sleep on the couch," I said but all Jennie did was stare at me.

"Did you hear me?" No answer. Silence. She started walking closer to me and she sat down beside me, her eyes are still locked on me. "J-Jennie?"

"Lisa, please, just one last time, I'll treat you right," Jennie said. Her voice cracked a little. I looked down at my palms. "Stop, Jennie. I'm not ready, please understand," Jennie nodded and mumbled an 'ok'

I walked inside my room and lay down on my bed. Why did she come? This is stupid. Am I stupid for letting her in or is she stupid to ask me to get back with her? Or are we both stupid?

I slowly close my eyes, but as soon as I fell into my so-called beautiful dreamland, I heard a knock on my door. It must be her. "Cum in, the door is not locked," then, the door opened and revealed...

Jisoo? How did she get into my apartment?

"W-What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I asked Jisoo. I was confused, curious.

How?! "Jennie let me in," she said calmly. "But my apartment is fully secured, you need the access card to even get in the lift," I pointed out.


I wrote this with my laptop so,, I'm sorry if there's a typo. Sorry for the late update thoo... BYE!

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