Chapter 7

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I and BamBam are in my house playing the latest video game which was Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare sounds weird but damn it's good!

Lisa is out to get her heart broken again at the coffee shop. I don't understand people these days. Can't you just take things slow and not rush them? I mean Lisa used to be desperate for Jennie's love and now it's the other way around. Like, what the hell man?

"Ten, where is Lisa? She had been out for so long," BamBam asked with a worried tone. Right now, I just don't care anymore, whatever happens to her will happen. It's not like we can reverse time. I just shrug.

"Call her, idiot," I said annoyed. I wasn't annoyed at him but Lisa. He stopped playing the video game and looked at me with a weird look. "What's wrong with you?" He asked furiously. "Nothing," I answered coldly. "Don't lie to me, Ten. We've been friends for 3 years,"

"I said nothing you bitch!" I started to shout at him. "Ten, what is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly calling me names!?"

"I said nothing!" I shouted at him loudly which made the house echo. He took steps closer which made us inches away. "Tell me, Ten. What's bugging you?" He held my hands gently. I put my head on his chest, "I'm just worried about Lisa. We had warned her but she is so stubborn,"

He rubbed my back softly, he pulled me in a tight hug, am I gay? Is he gay?

"BamBam," I called him. He pulled away and smiled. "Hm?"

"Are you, for some reason... gay?"


I guess I should've stayed with Ten and Bam. I regret my decision, I just made myself heartbroken again, now what am I going to say to Ten? He is going to be so pissed at me. I'm even pissed at myself.

*I'm a gummy bear, yes, I'm a gummy bear-*

Unknown number

Geez. Who is it now? I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I greeted no one. No response. "Hello? Is there anyone on the other line?"

"Yes, hello, I'm Gordon Christopher, call me Mr. Gordon. I'm a talented and famous dance trainer. I heard that you have been practicing hard and so you had been chosen to dance in India for a competition that my company held! Isn't that interesting?!"

Why does he speak with a french accent? Imagine. That's weird.

I never signed up for anything, or any dancing shits though I had been practicing, practicing for basketball.

"Sorry to say Mr. Gordon, but I never practiced for dancing nor signed up for dancing, and I never really wanted to go to India,"

I replied and everything went silent. "Mr. Gordon?" I called him.

"Your Lalisa Manoban, right?"

"Yes, that is my name,"

"Then I am correct! You have been chosen to dance in India for the competition!"

"Mr. Gordon, I never signed up to do so,"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I have mistaken the number and the name. This was supposed to go to Lalasa Manaban!"

I should say that this "Mr. Gordon" is kind of stupid. I mean he talks with this french accent.

I'm on the way back to Ten's house. What kind of excuses should I give?

*I'm a gummy bear, yes, I'm a gummy bear-*


Should I answer? I don't think so! That sounded kind of mean, what does she want anyway? If this isn't important I should hang up.

I accept the call.

"Hey, Lis, can we meet?"

Again?! Fuck no! I'm tired and I want to play video games or maybe basketball.

"I won't come though. You have to come if you want to. Cause' I am so fucking tired of walking back and forth between you and my house. So it's either YOU come or we don't have to meet,"

"Fine, where?"

"Nowhere, cause I don't want to meet you,"

She hangs up. Serve her right. While walking back to Ten's house, I, again had another phone call.

*I'm a gummy bear, yes, I'm a gummy bear-*


Wonder why she called. I accepted it of course.

"Honey, you have to come to the restaurant behind the mall, we have dinner with The Kims. Be sure to be ready!"

And then she hangs up. I've been living at my apartment for like four to five years and I haven't seen my mom and dad in 2 weeks.

I have to tell you, when my parents meet Jennie's parents, every secret that I told my mom will be revealed. Me and Jennie just sitting there, blushing in embarrassment. How I hate dinners with The Kims.

I, Ten, and BamBam made plans tonight. I guess I can't make it.

I ran until I arrived in front of Ten's house.

"Ten, I have to go to a dinner with The Kims tonig- what the fuck?!" As soon as I opened the door, I saw BamBam and Ten making out not the sofa. They stopped and looked at me. "Y-you know, y-you should have knocked," Ten stuttered. "You guys dating already?"

They said in unison and looked at each other.

Again, they said in unison and this time blushed in embarrassment.

"That's positive. Great to know. Just... don't take it too far in front of me," I said which made the three of us giggle. I told them I can't hang out tonight which made them a bit sad.

As promise, here it is!! Enjoy! Another update tomorrow. (I guess)

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