Chapter 16

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No One

Lisa never expected things would go that way at the airport. She thought Jennie and Jisoo were happy, but she guessed it wrong.

BamBam and Ten took a flight straight to Jeju Island. That means Lisa and the happy family can't meet. It's fine since they had made a plan later.

"W-Want to go c-coffee?" Jennie asked looking deeply into Lisa's eye. Lisa mumbles a 'no' and pretended to look around.

"P-Please?" Jennie begged and gave Lisa the puppy eyes that Lisa thought she could resist, but she realized it's one of her weaknesses.

"I have to ask my girlfriend first," Lisa said.

Jennie's eyes went wide. "Y-You have a girlfriend?" Lisa nodded.

To be honest, Lisa doesn't have a girlfriend, but maybe she could pretend she has one, by having one of her close Thailand friend, Sorn. So, she called Sorn.

It took a while for Sorn to answer but she still did,

"Why the fuck you calling me right now!  I'm having my sleep. Bitch!" Sorn shouted immediately when she answered Lisa's call.

"Hey, babe,"

"Lisa? What the fuck is wrong with you? You sick bro?"

"No, babe, I need to ask you something,"

"Geez bro, stop calling me babe, fucking gross. What do you want anyway?"

"Can I go out with Jennie?"

"Oh, I get it, you want me to be your fake girlfriend huh? Sure, lmao,"

Finally, Sorn gets it without Lisa having to explain it. Lisa sighs in relief and looks back at Jennie.

"She said okay," Lisa said, coldness in her voice made Jennie flinch.


"How long have you guys been dating?" Jennie asked. Putting both of her elbows on the table.

"One and a half years," Lisa lied. The coldness in her voice never left. "How are you and Jisoo?"

"She's fine, she started dating Rosè," Lisa just nodded at her answer. "Are you still staying at my apartment?" Jennie nodded as she smiled a little.

"Do you still wear the sweater I left you?" Jennie nodded once again and played with her fingers.

"D-Do you miss me?" Jennie asked put of the blue.

Lisa let out a fake, dry giggle. Lisa shook her head.

"C'mon Jennie! Grow up!"

Lisa said, raising her voice a little bit louder. "I don't even know anymore Jennie. I just want you to remember that humans have feelings," and with that, Jennie saw Lisa walk out of the café.


After a few days, they bumped into each other again at a mall. Jennie invites Lisa for some ice cream. Lisa, of course, had to ask her "beloved girlfriend" first. Jennie started to get jealous and kept asking about that "beloved girlfriend" of Lisa.

"Tell me a little bit about your girlfriend,"

"She is nice, unique, beautiful, someone who I adore so much, I just can't believe that she had helped me move on from you," lies smoothly roll out of Lisa's tongue. In Lisa's mind, she was only laughing sarcastically.

"Oh okay,"

"What were you doing at the airport though?" Lisa asked Jennie who is busy eating her ice cream.

"Uh, Rosé told me you were c-cumming," Lisa nodded and mumbled and 'ok'

"I have to go," Jennie excused herself and left. Lisa just nodded and continue eating her chocolate-flavored ice cream.


Lisa's mom called, and the news that was told by her mom was unexpected.

Family dinner with The Kims, again, for the nth time. She decided not to go, but on second thought, it is kind of rude to decline, so she did.


My mom always does this. When I and Jennie aren't having a good relationship, and I hate it.

I called Sorn and commanded her to come to Korea tonight (since the dinner is tomorrow night).

I forced Sorn to do so, it took me a few minutes to convince her how helpful it would be if she has a flight to Korea tonight.

She finally gave up, I bought her the tickets already, so all she has to do is pack up and get to the airport.


I reached the airport since she said she's here already. I saw her standing while leaning against the wall. She looks hot. Sorry, Jennie but I got to move on.

Sorn saw my car and walked lazily towards my car, she first when to my car boot and opened it to put her luggage.

She walked to the passenger side of the car, the car door then opened revealing sulking faced Sorn. "You know what? I think I fucking hate you," she said whilst sitting down. I just giggled.

"Let me tell you the plan,"

"Hm, you know, my real intention is when I arrived in Korea, I want to fucking kill you but then I thought that I could get into prison so—"

"Enough," I said then laughed loudly.

"Okay, so what we should do is simple. All we have to do is to be sweet to each other tonight and call each other nicknames, got one in your mind already?" I asked her.

"Oh yea, a BITCH, I'll be like, 'Hey, bitch, I love you,' at the dinner later tonight,"

oh my god this is going to be hard

I then looked at her in disbelief. "Let's go back home first," I then drove to my apartment.

Yall, this chapter is kind of stupid idk why, but yea, this story will be longer BHAHAHA

(If u guys read the comments on the last chapter, I replied to one of the comments saying my mom will take my phone in early January. Gotta do this fast)

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