"waking up to the sun" [2]

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word count: 621
A/N: there's a timeskip from the first part to this one of about perhaps a month? idk

Grian was headed to Cherry Computers to buy some redstone parts. Iskall had said something about needing more comparators, so Grian offered to go buy them, since he knew Iskall had already invested plenty of his own diamonds into Sahara.

As he entered, he spotted a familiar face right by the chest he needed to get into.

"Doc, hey!"

Doc turned around. "Oh, hi, Grian." He smiled gently. They'd loosened up around each other by now, previously being constantly stiff and awkward and avoiding the other as much as possible. Thankfully, they got over it. "What are you doing in Cherry Computers?"

Grian giggled. "I'm buying redstone components, what else?"

"That's a scary thought," Doc pushed on with the joke. Grian just rolled his eyes.

"You're actually blocking the chest I need to get to, so, well, if you wouldn't mind." He gestured at Doc to move out of the way. Of course, Doc did the opposite and began to practically hug the chest.

"This one here, you mean?"

Grian playfully shoved at Doc. "Yes, that one!"

Doc, after another one of Grian's pathetic shove's to his shoulder (he knew Grian was being gentle on purpose, but Doc thought that Grian could've been at least a little bit rougher), backed away with a grin.

Grian sighed a very exaggerated sigh of relief. He stepped forwards and opened the chest, only to find it empty of any actual comparators. Just a bunch of diamonds going straight into ConCorp's pocket.

"Sorry, man," Doc began. "I got the last of it."

Grian groaned. "This is why I just don't do redstone. You guys are crazy with how much you spend on it."

Doc laughed and shrugged. "Sure, but think about the reward of an epic redstone build."

"Whatever. It's too complicated."

Doc shook his head and smiled fondly. "Y'know, maybe you could buy the comparators off me?"

"Yeah? How much?" Grian looked relieved.

Doc's grin turned more devilish. "A diamond each."

Grian didn't even know what to say. That was ridiculous. He sputtered for a few moments, before getting out, "are you out of your mind?!"

"Nope. That's my deal. Take it or find somewhere else to buy them."

Grian struck his palm against his face. "You are so difficult, you know that?" He tried to be upset, but was hiding a smile.

"Fine, too expensive for you?" Doc laughed as he spoke.

Grian threw his hands in the air to try to emphasize his point. "Way too expensive. You kidding me?"

"Why don't you name a price, then? Doesn't have to be diamonds." Doc's voice dropped, and somehow the mood of the room shifted.

Grian instantly felt incredibly vulnerable. "The normal price, please." He leaned against the chests to his back as he became incredibly aware of how much taller Doc was than him. "How did you do that?" Grian mumbled suddenly.

"Do what?" Doc muttered back, mocking Grian.

Grian giggled softly. Nervously. "Create sexual tension so fast."

Doc couldn't help himself and burst out laughing at that, which reduced the 'sexual tension' Grian was talking about by a bit. "Oh, man, Grian," he said through his laughter. "I love it when you just blurt that kind of thing out."

Grian gave him a stern, yet somehow soft, look. Instead of responding, he grabbed Doc's collar with both hands and pulled him down so he could kiss him. Doc shot backwards.

"Shit. Did I mess up?" Grian panicked.

Doc shook his head. "No. I just don't want to do this in Cherry."

Grian looked around at their surroundings. Somehow, he forgot how open this store was, half of the walls being glass. "Then... let's go to my base?"

Doc smiled. "Now we're talking."

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