"i love you" (grian x doc)

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word count: 669
A/N: even though I may write for other ships gridoc will always be my number 1... dunno if that was obvious or not by the fact it takes up the majority of my book chapters lol!
here's just some major major gridoc fluff

Doc pushed Grian down onto the bed by his chest and laid over him, propped up by his hands and knees. He leaned down and kissed Grian, short and quick, like he was scared to. "Um. Is this okay?" Doc mumbled.

Grian nodded. "Yeah." It was more than okay.

Doc kissed him again, this time for longer, and Grian lifted a hand to cup Doc's jaw. He suddenly jolted it away when Doc's face didn't feel the way he thought it would: rough and soft. Instead it was smooth and hard.

Doc pulled away from the kiss and they blinked their eyes open at each other. "Is something wrong?" Doc asked gently.

Grian shook his head. Somehow, in the moment, he had forgotten Doc was a cyborg. He lifted his hand again, hesitantly, and looked into Doc's eyes.

"May I...?"

Doc nodded at him.

Grian placed his hand gently on the left side of Doc's face - his robotic side. The metal plating was warm to the touch, which was ... strange. Grian was expecting it to be colder. He ran his fingers lightly along the grooves and bolts that led to Doc's forehead, then traced the same lines down to his boyfriend's ear. Doc twitched a bit, and Grian pulled his hand off, but left it hovering.

"Can... you feel it?" he asked.

Doc nodded. "I can." He leaned into Grian's hand, making Grian cup his hard cheek again. Grian rubbed his thumb slowly back and forth across what would be Doc's cheekbone.

Curious, Grian brought his other hand up to touch Doc's skin, holding his face in both palms. Doc's real flesh was rougher and much warmer, even hot, against Grian's own. It was hard for his hands to understand they were feeling the same face. "Is it different?"


A silence fell over the two and they stared at each other, eyes locked, breathing in sync. Doc's red eye stared at him with the same amount of emotion his real one did.

Grian let his eyes wander across his boyfriend's face. He noticed the way the metal plating could shift, allowing for natural movement as he breathed, and talked, and expressed. It was intricate and designed with care, and something about it was completely enamouring to Grian. He wondered if Doc knew how special he was; if he knew how much Grian loved him, and every little piece of him.

"You're beautiful, Doc."

Doc averted his eyes shyly, and his organic half started heating up even further in Grian's palm. It made the blonde grin. He kept one hand on Doc's metal cheek and dropped the other to his shoulder. Lightly tracing the scar's between Doc's robotic arm and his body, Grian said, "I don't know if anyone has ever told you that before, but I mean it."

"Grian..." Doc mumbled. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to Grian's.

"You're really gorgeous."

"I..." Doc stuttered back. "I love you."

Grian could feel his heart swell. "I love you too."

Doc tilted his head and kissed Grian. It was slow, and sweet, and made Grian's heart race. He smiled into the kiss and ran his fingers lightly across Doc's chest.

"I love you," Doc repeated against Grian's mouth. "I love you."

Grian wanted to say it back, and he tried, but his voice got caught in his throat and all he could manage was a weak sigh.

Eventually, Doc fell beside Grian and nuzzled his nose beneath his chin, his fingers rubbing circles into Grian's chest. Grian's own arm was under Doc, holding him by the shoulder, his cheek resting against Doc's head. He felt full, almost about to burst with love and adoration for his boyfriend. Now that they had gotten their first 'I love you's out of the way, he'd find any excuse at all to say it.

For now, he closed his eyes. "I love you," he whispered one last time before letting himself drift to sleep, the man he loved in his arms.

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