"familiarity" (cub x joe)

587 28 7

word count: 798
A/N: hey! I haven't posted since last decade hahaha... ok I'm not gonna wear out that joke. I've hit a bit of a writers block (I have rewritten this particular idea like 4 times) so I apologize for the lack of chapters. I'm still not entirely satisfied with this but whatever
this ship has taken over me I love it sue me

Joe woke up to a familiar room, which was weird because he never woke up to familiar rooms. Usually, he slept wherever he found himself, which was more often than not somewhere entirely random seeing as he had no set home. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up, stretching his shoulders. He saw his glasses on the bedside table, reached for them, and as he put them on he turned around to find Cub also sitting in the bed. Oh, yeah, this was Cub's room.

"Good morning, Joe," Cub said. He must've been awake much longer than Joe had been, seeing how even his voice was.

Joe waved and cleared his throat. "Good morning," he mumbled, still groggy from having just woken up.

"How did you sleep?"

Joe ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. "Fine. I'm a little sore." He went to scratch his neck and realized he had no shirt on. Of course, he noticed that when he had woken up, it just wasn't until now that he really processed the fact that he had slept without a shirt. Hey, come to think of it, where were his pants?

"Same here," Cub said.

Joe focused his eyes better on Cub and noticed that Cub had no shirt on either. Actually, thinking about it, that made sense. Joe definitely hadn't forgotten last night. "Do, uh," he looked around the room, "do you happen to know where my pants are? Or any article of clothing that is mine?"

Cub looked at the floor next to him. "Grey jeans?"

"That'd be them."

Cub leaned down, still holding the blanket over half his body, and picked up Joe's pants. He handed them to him across the bed.

"Thanks," Joe said, and eye'd them. His belt and boxers were still with the pants, so he wouldn't have to worry about finding them as well. Unfortunately, he would've liked to put on fresh clothes. This was a little, for lack of a better word, disgusting.

He faced away from Cub and hung his legs over the edge of the bed so he could put his jeans on. He stood to zip up his fly and tighten his belt. "Uhh... shirt, now," he mumbled to himself and looked at the floor. It would probably be on Cub's side of the bed if the rest of his clothes were over there as well.

He turned to Cub to see him standing and also pulling on some pants, but since it was his own room, he actually got to put on clean clothes. Lucky. Apparently today was going to be a lazy day for Cub, since he was putting on sweatpants.

"Cub, is my shirt over there?"

Cub glanced at Joe, then to the floor at his feet. "Uh." He glanced around, then turned to the foot of the bed. "Check the floor there," he said and pointed.

Joe checked the floor at the end of the bed and sure enough, his signature blue shirt was crumpled up on the ground. He brought it to his face and inhaled through his nose. "Oh, God," he groaned. It did not have a pleasant scent. "Can I borrow one of your shirts?"

Cub, who was shrugging on a black t-shirt, nodded and said, "sure. They're in there." He pointed at a drawer.

Joe walked up to the drawer and looked through the few shirts Cub had. Most were solid colours, but the one Joe had picked out was blue and had the ConCorp logo on it. "Nice," he muttered, catching Cub's attention.

Joe pulled the shirt on over his head and presented it to Cub by holding his arms out. "Ta-da!"

Cub giggled. He approached Joe and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You look really good in that."

"Yeah? You're not biased in any way, shape, or form toward the company on the shirt?" Joe teased and put his hands on Cub's hips.

"Maybe a little." Cub kissed Joe gently, and Joe's heart skipped a beat. He felt a little ridiculous, like a teenager falling in love for the first time again, but it was a welcome and exciting feeling. Cub pulled away and they smiled at each other.

"Uh, were you leaving?" Cub asked.

Joe shook his head. "I can stay if you'd like."

"I would," Cub said with a chuckle. "Do you want coffee? I could make some."

"Sure. And an Advil while we're at it..." For, y'know, the pain.

Thinking about it, Joe liked his nomadic life, but something about how domestic this was comforted him. He liked having Cub to come back to when wandering became a chore, and he definitely wouldn't mind waking up to this everyday. Maybe settling down in one spot wouldn't be so bad.

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