"the way of the game" (scar x grian)

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word count: 705
A/N: can we get an F for grian? F. I've marked this as scar x grian but it's not rlly explicitly ship. based upon a request by WelshKitsune !

"Welcome to the DeadQuarters, Grian!" Scar held his arms out wide, gesturing to the entire mansion. "I understand you've seen the first floor though, correct?"

Grian, dejected, nodded gently. He had said nothing the whole time, opting for the silent treatment.

It made Scar a little uneasy, seeing one of the most charismatic people he knew go almost completely empty and quite literally grey, but he went on. "Right," he said nervously. "So I can show your freshly demised mind around the second floor. You were meant to visit it, weren't you? Then you died." He laughed at the mention of Grian's death.

Grian only nodded again.

Scar groaned playfully. "C'mon. You have to say something. Please?" He pouted at Grian. "For me?"

Grian looked down at his feet.

Scar paused in his act, seeing that Grian looked truly miserable. "I... I'm sorry," he said, his tone instantly more serious and gentle. His confident posture was lost as his shoulders fell. "If you need some fresh air or something, you can go back out the front."

Grian didn't move his head back up, but he did look up with his eyes briefly at Scar.  Scar simply gestured for him to go, so Grian turned around and walked back out the way they had come in.

Scar sighed. "Geez. He's worse than I thought."

Grian had been out there for almost an hour alone, and Scar decided that was too long for him to be wallowing in self-pity. Scar made his way out of the front door and began to walk around the floating island. Finally, closer to the back of the mansion, Scar spotted Grian, fiddling with a few leaves off of a bush.

"Hey," Scar eased his way into Grian's bubble. "Mind if I join you?"

Grian grinned, but it wasn't particularly happy. "Sure." He finally spoke.

Scar sat down in the grass a couple of feet away from Grian, making sure he wasn't invading too much of his space. "So, what's up? What's got you all... I don't know. Sad like this?"

Grian chuckled, and it made Scar smile softly. "I'm just a bit disappointed, that's all."

Scar nodded in understanding. "For losing at demise?"

"No. Well, of course I'm disappointed for losing, I'm sure you all are..." Grian trailed off without finishing his thought.

Scar hummed and waited a few beats before he pressed on, trying not to seem pushy. "So," he paused for a second, "what is it you're disappointed about?"

Grian looked as if he was pondering the answer to the question. "The way I went, I guess."

"Don't like TNT?"

"Yeah. No one likes dying by TNT." Grian chuckled and picked at the grass. "Well... it's not really the dying part. It's just that... I was so prepared, you know? I had escaped death so many times before and then suddenly explosives are dropping from the ceiling. There was no way I could've avoided that."

"I understand entirely." Scar stood up suddenly, and Grian looked a bit confused. Scar simply took a few steps towards Grian, and sat right next to him. "There was no way I could've escaped my death, either. It was a nasty nether portal trap that came at me from no where." He laughed as he remembered his encounter with the pufferfish.

Grian found Scar's laughter to be contagious, and chuckled himself. "That's just the way of the game, huh?"

Scar wrapped an arm behind Grian's back and put his hand on Grian's shoulder. "You should know. You started it."

"I did. You're right." Grian leaned closer to Scar. "I don't know why I'm so upset..."

Scar pulled himself so that he was pressed right up against Grian. "Nah. It's fine to be upset with it. We were all pretty disappointed when we died... but now," he gestured up at the DeadQuarters. "We've built this. And we're getting more Hermits to meet their demises... and we're all on a team. You're apart of that team too."

Grian turned to Scar and was surprised at how close their faces were, but he quickly relaxed. "Thanks, Scar."

Scar, a little too embarrassed to turn his head to meet Grian's face, just smiled and nodded. "Any time."

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