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Morning this arrived at Nanjing province and Huaisang set forth to go to the hillside to take a break for a while, as he set out he remember the words his mother told him before he go. "Huaisang remember these things that I will say to you before you set out, always think first for others before you and remember to be grateful and good towards the people you will meet on the road. This might bring either help or danger as you go towards this journey but always remember to be brave and to make the right decision to yourself and to others." Huasiang then continue his journey towards the hill.

On his way to the hill he heard some sounds of young women who were screaming and crying at the side of the hill and decided to check it out to see what is happening. There Huaisang sees some men from the north kidnapping the women, he was actually afraid to go there and dosen't want to put his life in the midst of danger and also to be hurt but he then remembered of what his mother said to him before he leave, suddenly he then started to think twice about it and said to himself. "I know this might be a hard thing to do, I don't want mom to be worried about me or hurt her but it is unacceptable to her if I will not kept the words she say to me before I leave. I must do what is right and forget about the consequences, I must be brave."

Huisang then went down to the hillside to save the women who were being abducted but as he arrived he began to yell to the men to let them go but hedin't succede in rescuing them and he also too is abducted  and was taken towards the north. Huaisang then regreted his actions about what he have done, he don't have any choice but to make himself dissapointed of his actions. But this won't stop him from being close towards destiny.

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