Gold againts Gold

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Mengyao is still thinking about his plans on running a kingdom and all to be under his hands but on the other hand Jin Ling, now 5 years old was still being kept by his uncle Jiang Cheng, king of Yunmeng and by his god father Wei Wuxian, prince of Yiling. While being raised in secret his uncle Xuanyu decided to visit him in secret and gave him some gifts for his birthday. Xuanyu also advises both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian that Mengyao's ambition in stealing the throne can led to the deaths and dangers of all the clan leaders who were protecting Jin Ling wherever he was. Jiang Cheng still on the other hand says. "To kill my nephew ha is he that crazy to understand in killing an innocent young prince. As long as I live he will not pass." "I agree with you shidi." Said Wuxian. "We will protect A Ling no matter what the cause will be, and to secure his position as the true heir of Lanling."

Mengyao also plotted the asassination of many officials, generals, and scholars who were not loyal to him. His father's death (also an asassination plotted by himself too) remains a mystery to every one i Lanling. Xuanyu on the other hand flees Lanling along the others who were still loyal to his father and sworn loyalty to him and to the others to protect Jin Ling and established the principality of Lanling  at the province of Mo at the country side in secret. The war between the brothers drove other kingdoms to turn againts the Mengyao. There are even some assasins sent to kill him but failed.

As the civil war between the brothers grew Mingjue on the other hand was also planning an attack towards Lanling ask some of his advisers and minister to regain some loses in Qinghe from the past war. Tensions arise of the behalf of the war and it even extends towards the borders of each kingdom. The Wens under prince Wen Ning regains Qishan from Lanling and established again the Qishan monarchy as permitted by the clans and the kingdom of Yiling to be established and aids them in the war.

The tension between the Jins rises as the heated battle turns the brothers to one another and to fight for their own for the sake of the throne.

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