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Still at the hands of his captors, Huaisang then began to think about if he really go wrong with his actions tom protect other he then began to think and say yo himself that he was nothing but a weakling and only a man only for "good-for-nothing", as they are approaching towards north one of the men opens the carriage and take them down one by one. Most of the women were to be solved as slaves to foreign kingdoms, but Huaisang on the other hand was afraid that if he is found out as a man he knew that he might be killed or to be a slave of the captors.

As some the women were being sold an army of soldiers approach and began to cause some kind of catastrophe at the place making Huaisang to run far as he can but he is taken away by some of the men as he was about to escape. While they are about to go a young woman riding on the horse slain the men as Huaisang witness it.

The woman then jump from the horse back and points her sword at Huaisang and ask him. "Are you one of them?" "Um miss you might be mistaken, Im actually...." "Just answer the question! Are you one of them?" "Huaisang then look at her with fear in his eyes that also makes his body shake in terror. "No. Im not one of them,I was only abducted by those men and I was taken here to be solved as a slave although I don't know much about this." The woman then lower her sword and began to speak with a fierce look within her face. "I assure that you are telling me the truth or else you know what will happened next once we find out you are not telling the truth." She then asked one of the man. "Take her."

The guards then took Huaisang with them set forth to Yin, the Northern kingdom of the west.

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