In the service of her majesty

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A sunny day hits the kingdom of Yin and Huaisang along with Xianyang were fishing at the spring near the kingdom to find fish. Huaisang got one big fish while Anastasia dosen't have a choice but to fish the smaller once.

She then went to a tree and to sleep, Huaisang on the other hand continues to fish and he got more anyway. He then decided to rest for a while at the tree. As the two of them rests Xianyang turns around at Huaisang and put her arms around him, Huaisang then blushed and slept with her (really).

Huaisang says within his mind. "This is the first time I have seen a woman like her to accept me, but what is this feeling inside? It seems so warm and it feels like Im..." After those words he fall asleep. Xianyang then woke up after the nap and saw Huaisang asleep while she put her arms around him, she then blushes too and remove it when Huaisang is about to woke up. Huaisang then greeted her. "Good afternoon your majesty." Then the two of them went home.

(Sorry if this is so short)

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