Fallen Into Sin

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    It was all darkness for a moment... Just darkness. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable. Just kind of... Cold. Lonely. Though, you weren't really aware of such things past a slight tingling in your entire body.

    And then you were falling. Free falling into a world you couldn't understand. It was very... Red. That was all you saw before you crashed to the ground, letting out a painful grunt.

"Uhg... Damn... Where am I..?"

    You slowly sat up, looking around yourself. You seemed to be in the middle of a city but you were surrounded by these... Creatures. You weren't particularly frightened, as none seemed to be harming you. In fact, none of them even really seemed to notice you. Odd. How many people did they see fall from the fucking sky?

    You hold a hand to your head, it feeling unusually heavy. Not even with pain, but with an actual, physical weight. You felt along your skull, pondering what could possibly be making your head feel this way, when you felt it. The protrusion from the side of your head.

    You let out a yelp, yanking your hand away from your head. You quickly stood up, looking around for something to see yourself with. You see a storefront window that had some reflection to it. You immediately ran over and looked at yourself in it.

And nearly screamed.

    Your hair had turned white with [F/C] tips, your left eye was red and your right was [F/C], your body was hardly recognizable as your own. It was more... Voluptuous. Two waved horns came from the sides of your head, and small fangs protruded from your jaw. You noticed a movement behind you and almost spun around, before noticing it was... A tail. It was sleek and [F/C], the upside down spade sharp and almost a weapon.

    You look at yourself in awe before noticing a being standing behind you, staring you down. You freeze some, staring at them through the reflection. You suddenly felt your body change and meld, as your body slendered and heightened, your tail and horns, slipping back into your body. You made a sound of confusion and fear.

    The being behind you grinned widely, their body's black fur bristling and their left eye's pupil becoming a heart.

    "Wouldya look at that... Looked good before but now you're a damn meal..."

    Their voice was deep, so you thought they might be male. He made a move towards you, sliding a hand over your hip.

   The touch sent revulsion running through your body, and you let out a growl, elbowing him in the face, making him curse and hold it.

"You fucking bitch! Now you're in for it!"

    He made a move to grab your arm but you kicked backward, nailing him right in his family jewls. He let out a strangled sound and went to his knees. You took the chance you had been given and ran, thanking every god and powerful being you had ever known that you had taken those self-defense classes.

    You continued to run until you could hardly breathe. You stopped and hunched over, panting. You felt your body return it's... Original form. You didn't dare call it normal, because that was so, so far from normal. This all was so far from normal.

    You looked up and studied your surroundings for a moment. You seemed to be in an alleyway. A poster on the wall showed a grotesque picture of a hardly human looking being. It was captioned Beware the Radio Demon. You felt a shudder run through your body. If this Radio Demon was so bad that other demons felt the need to warn others of it, you just had to hope you never crossed paths with them.

   You looked outside of the alley, seeing a very tall building with a strange design on it. There was a sign that stated it was called the Hazbin Hotel. You decided to go with the hotel part, and hoped you would be able to find some way to get a room... Somehow... You don't want that being finding you.

    You went to the hotel and paused a moment, your tail flicking behind you. You gave it a look of confusion before shrugging and lightly knocking on the door.

    There was silence for a moment, such that you considered leaving, before the door was opened by a tall being. He wore a red suit and held a microphone staff in his clawed hands, a wide, sharp grin on his face. His eyes were several shades of reds, his hair red and black, something appearing to be deer ears on his head as well as horns. He seemed to be a deer demon.

    And he looked exactly like the demon in the poster.



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