Genesis - Chapter 1

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It was dark in the cave. Only a tiny stream of light poared into the darkness, right on top of them. A lioness with golden fur that could rival the purest of golds in all of the world had just given a chance of life to another. A newborn cub now laid between the lioness' front paws, her fur a soft golden, much paler than her mother's.

The lioness looked down at her child with a softness to her eyes. She gently nuzzled the cub's belly. Suddenly she heard footsteps and she swiftly stood up to protect her newborn.

In came a lion with pale yellow fur and dark brown mane. His crystal (e/c) eyes landed on the lioness and his face softened. He trotted over to her and nuzzled her snout with his in a loving greeting.

Soon enough another lion came in. He had golden fur, similiar to the lioness', and redish brown mane. He nodded his head in greeting.

"Eadala." He said with his deep voice.

"My lord." the lioness greeted him back.

He looked at the pair and then Eadala moved and once the other lion saw the cub he smiled.

"I reckon this is your child, Shujae." the lion said to the pale lion.

"Yes, my King." Shujae said with a proud smile as he looked at his wife who smiled back at him.

The king of lion's chuckled. "You don't have to call me 'your King', especially not in this joyous moment of your's, my friend."

"Forgive me, Mufasa." the other lion chuckled a bit. "But still, as your loyal subject I must show you the proper respect-"

"You are a friend-" Mufasa stated, but was cut off.

"-friend or not." Shujae said with a teasing smirk as he finished his previos sentance. Both of the lion's chuckled and the lioness smiled.

Mufasa then looked at Eadala who picked up her cub by the scruff and carried her in front of her king.

"What shall you name her?" Mufasa asked.

Both of the lions looked at each other and nodded. "(Y/n)."

Mufasa smiled at them and their child warmingly.

"You have my blessing." the king said with a nod of his head and then turned to walk out of the cave, wanting to leave the two lion's alone with their new daughter.

Eadala and Shujae looked at each other with love in their eyes. For them time didn't exist and it felt like they fell in love all over again.

The male then looked at his daughter for the first time and he knew that he loved her with all of his heart and soul. Shujae smiled as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes out of joy. He had always imagined what it would be like to have a child of his own, but this was far more better that he or his wife had imagined.

"Look at her." Shujae whispered softly to his wife. "Look how radiant she looks, Eadala."

"She truely does." the female whispered in the same loving and soft tone that her husband did. "Our daughter."

Shujae could only nod his head as tears of joy started flowing down his cheeks.

"Our daughter."


I wanted to say that I'm so sorry that I haven't been active on Wattpad in a while. I can't promise that I will start posting regularely, but I will try when I have time. During the winter holidays it might be easier for me to find time to write this new story and I am so excited to write this.

Anyway, hope you liked the first chapter.

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now