Bethrothed - Chapter 6

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Alright! I'm back in the game! If this chapter seems very strange, please ignore that, I went through a mental check on the characters and decided midway that (Y/n) needed to be more childlike rather than an adult sooooo.......yeah...

Anyway, enjoy reading and have a nice day!

P.s. I decided that every two days this book is going to receive an update because I came to the conclusion that I won't be able to do it every day due to the fact that I am currently writing an original story (not fan fiction) and I want to work on that as well. I will post a schedule of what I will be working on in my 'Conversations' thingy. I hope you can understand it. Thank you!


All three of us were walking silently beside each other. While Zazu was flying over us, I was silently glancing from time to time to the sides to see if there was any danger. The nagging feeling was still in my head but I managed to somewhat clear my mind so now it's not so bothersome than it was before.

"Step lively!" I heard Zazu call out to us from above and turned my head towards him to listen. "The sooner we get to the waterhole, the sooner we can leave."

Almost immediately after Zazu had said that I lowered my head and saw Nala smiling at Simba before she spoke.

"So where are we really going?" I heard Nala whisper to Simba.

"An elephant graveyard." I heard Simba reply to Nala's whisper and it instantly made me snap my head towards them and furrow my eyebrows.

"Wow!" Nala exclaimed.

"Shhhhh!" Simba and I shushed her at the same and Simba then gestured to look towards where the red-billed hornbill was flying.

"Zazu," he whispered to her.

"Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?" Nala whispered to both of us and my face immediately contorted into a worried one.

"I don't think we should go to this elephant graveyard," I interjected, whispering.

"Come on, (Y/n)." the young prince whiningly whispered before a smirk appeared on his face. "I bet you're just too scared to go there."

"I am being careful, not scared," I said back at him confidently.

"Come on, it might be fun!" Nala tried to encourage me but I simply shook my head.

"I'm not too sure about this." I simply replied to them.

"You're no fun. Loosen up a bit," Simba replied to my statement and then turned towards Nala. "Anyway, I know how we can-"

"Oh just look at you three!" Zazu exclaimed from above and landed in front of all of us, "Little seeds of romance and undying loyalty blossoming in the savannah! All of your parents will be thrilled. With Simba and Nala being betrothed and all,"

"Be-what?" Simba asked confusedly.

"Bethrothed! Intended! Affianced!" All three of us looked with furrowed brows at each other.

"Umm, what?" I slowly spoke for all of us.

"One day Simba and Nala will get married," Zazu explained causing both of my friends to yell out in disgust while I snickered in the background, "And (Y/n) will become a royal guard."

"Good luck with that love birds!" I called out to both of them, causing Simba and Nala to look at me disappointedly, "Both of you gonna need it while dealing with each other."

"Like you're gonna be any better off!" Nala yelled out defensively, "You're just going to become a guard!"

"I can't marry her," Simba told the bird, "She's my friend."

"Yeah," Nala interjected, I still snickered at the possibility of them ever being married, "It would be super weird."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice," Zazu proudly explained and I saw Simba mocking him, causing me to grin, "It's a tradition back generations."

"Well, when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go," Simba proclaimed.

"Oh come on!" I groaned at the male, "Where's going to be the fun in that? I, for one, want to see the two of you surviving the marriage."

"Not going to happen," Nala replied with a grin, making me pout.

"Not so long as I'm around," Zazu replied happily.

"In that case, you're fired," the male cub announced.

"Can't the king only do that?" I asked him with a raised brow and a smirk.

"Well, he's the future king," Nala replied.

"Yeah," Simba realized and poked the bird before looking at me, "So you both have to do what I tell you!"

"Not a chance!" I exclaimed offendedly.

"Not yet, I don't!" Zazu grumbled as the two started to walk away leaving me and the bird behind, "And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you'll be a pretty pathetic king, indeed!"

"Not the way I see it!" Simba proudly said.

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