Promises - Chapter 8

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It was only around the time that the sun had almost set that (Y/n) could see from a distance that her friends and their rescuers were coming back. The sight of all of them made the cub overjoyed since it meant that all of them were safe. She also noticed two out of the five figures staying behind while the rest continued making their way towards Pride Rock.

(Y/n) didn't hesitate to start running towards them and meet them at the base of the mountain. The cub reached the bottom just as all of them were starting to climb upwards.

"Nala! Hey!" (Y/n) called out softly at the other girl making her raise her head, both of them rubbed each other's head a bit roughly in a greeting.

"I'm okay, (Y/n). I'm okay." Nala reassured the other girl quietly and pulled away.

Nala's dejected expression did not soothe (Y/n)'s worries, but she still accepted her words, thinking that in time she would tell her what had happened. (Y/n) and her friend were ready to depart and head up the mountain, however, Shujae's voice erased that idea.

"(Y/n)!" the girl's father called out and motioned his head backward and softly commanded, "Stay behind. You can head to sleep, Nala."

Both of the girls looked at each other for a moment before (Y/n) nodded at her friend, signaling that she'll be alright, and Nala hesitantly walked away. The cub turned to her father who had started to walk towards the savannah field. She trotted towards him and once she reached him (Y/n) slowed her pace to match Shujae's. After walking a small distance from Pride Rock the male stopped and slowly sat down on the grass, his daughter following suite.

"Something is on your mind," Shujae stated while staring at stars.

(Y/n) stayed quiet. She bowed her head. A long pause ensued and after a while, the cub raised her head towards her father and finally spoke.

"Was it right for me to rat out my friends like that?" (Y/n) asked softly.

"What?" Shujae asked with wide eyes, of all the things he thought his daughter would have in mind, this had not come to his mind.

"Both of them wanted me to come with them," (Y/n) started to explain, "or at least keep quiet about the plan so that they could at least get some fun. And yet I betrayed them and ran for help. Does-does that mean I'm a bad friend, father? Do they hate me-?"

"(Y/n)," Shujae comforted his daughter, "By running here to get help. By telling me and Mufasa what had happened. You had saved both Simba and Nala. You did the right thing. Do not be ashamed of that."

"Then why does it feel like I had betrayed them?" the cub snapped, "Why do I feel guilty about what I had done?"

Shujae sighed and gently rested a paw on her shoulder: "Love, I don't know how to comfort you about this properly. But I can tell you this - talk to them. Tell them how you feel. If they're true friends, they will forgive you and move on."

"But what if they don't?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Then let me deal with them," her father replied, his frown soon turned into a light teasing grin and with the paw on his daughter's shoulder pulled into his side, "I'm not letting anyone mess with my little warrior! Not as long as I'm around!"

(Y/n) laughed shortly at his last statement and her frown too turned into a grin: "I can take care and defend myself, thank you very much! I am not that weak!"

"Oh yeah?" Shujae raised an eyebrow at her and removed his paw, "Well, can you defend yourself from this?"

The male then snatched the girl with one of his paws and started to nudge her head causing (Y/n) to squirm under his hold until she slithered out of his touch and pounced on him with a battle cry, causing Shujae to laugh heartily. Their playing around continued for a while, both of them laughing with each other and enjoying their time before the father pinned the tiny girl with a paw to her chest and laid down beside her, ensuing in (Y/n)'s release who once again pounced on him and buried herself in her father's curly mane.

"Dad?" (Y/n) asked happily, making Shujae hum, "Will you stay with me forever?"

Shujae sighed at the question and his smile faltered before he looked back at his daughter.

"No. Unfortunately, I won't be with you forever," the lion explained to her, making (Y/n) dejected, "At least not physically. Someday my time will come...And I will do my part in the circle of life."

"But know this, lioness," Shujae continued, "As long as you remember me. The longer I will stay with you. And if you truly want me to stay with you forever...then think of me. And I will be there in spirit. And I beg to whatever god or spirit that exists and watches over us that you will never forget it."

"I won't," (Y/n) whispered, tears filling her eyes at the possibility of someday losing him, "I promise. And I will make you proud, father. That I promise as well."

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now