I recognise no king - Chapter 17

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The next day just as gloomy as ever. The skies were ever so dark from the ominous clouds that never brought rain to the Savanah. But (Y/n) had noticed that the clouds seemed thicker than usual. An ominous feeling washed over her and she felt a shiver crawl up her spine.

The lioness decided to speak with Sarabi about Nala's escape and assure her that (Y/n)'s best friend had safely gone to get help for the pride. Of course, the woman knew that telling Sarafina, Nala's mother would be more logical, but at the moment (Y/n) only truly trusted with this information with the former queen.

And so she went up the slope in search for the lioness. At the top of the mountain, she noticed the absence of the pride, however, noticed that the little packs of hyenas that were situated near each other were all looking at the lioness, some even grinning. (Y/n)'s brows furrowed and her mouth turned into a think line at the sight and the growing heaviness in her chest.

"(Y/n)!" the lioness heard her name being called out by a deep male voice and she turned her head to reveal that the dark-furred and maned lion had addressed her.

"Scar," (Y/n) replied calmly and politely nodded her head in a greeting.

"I need to speak with you," the male demanded.

The lioness only nodded and silently followed Scar, her footsteps light and almost soundless thanks to her training. They entered the main cave and (Y/n) stopped while the male walked a few paces in front of her before facing the young lioness.

"So..." Scar started speaking calmly but (Y/n) felt that there was something more intentional and darker behind his words, "Where were you exactly? I've gotten reports that you.... went out last night with your friend."

"We went out for a walk," the lioness calmly replied.

"Īs that all?" the male questioned.

"Yes, that is all," (Y/n) replied, her eyes following Scar's figure as it started to circle around her.

"Then tell me, why has Nala not yet returned?" the lion questioned.

"She said that she wanted more time alone when I suggested going back," she replied with a stoic face, "Perhaps she simply decided to already search for somewhere to hunt or to take a breather? After all, some of the hyenas chased us for a while. One can only do so much before they become tired."

Scar hummed at the reply, still circling around (Y/n) before finally stepping in front of her again.

"Well, in any case, that is not what I wanted to talk about," Scar changed the subject and it peaked the lioness' interest.

"Is that so?" the woman raised a brow at the statement, still remaining stoic, "What else is there possibly to talk about?"

Nala's words echoed through her head. The overworking, the herds that moved away, his brutality... But no. Of course, he won't talk about something that he has been denying from the beginning.

"I've noticed that since the day I made an.... example of your parents," Scar slowly said, (Y/n) felt her brows furrow at the statement he made and almost wanted to bare her teeth at him and growl, but resisted the urge, "You have come very close to edge. It almost seems like you would betray me."

"But," the male chuckled before continuing with a wide grin, "Of course, you won't follow in the footsteps of your parents, will you, my dear?"

(Y/n)'s breaths became slower, heavier as her eyebrows furrowed deeper. To speak so ill, so carelessly of them, of her mother and father! The claws extracted from her paws and she ground the dirt and rock beneath her, a scowl following these actions. However, she understood that that was the reaction Scar wanted, and (Y/n) didn't want to give the lion the pleasure of gaining it. She took several deep breaths and felt herself calm down more.

"But I will forgive you for such actions. After all, they are in the past," Scar proposed, making the lioness' eyebrows rise, "But only if you recognise me as your king."

The young lioness blankly stared at the male. Her face was devoid of any emotion and appeared to be frighteningly calm. But inside she felt her blood boil with rage as all she wanted to do maul him.

"I recognise no king but Mufasa," (Y/n) calmly replied to Scar's words, making his brows furrow and grin fall into a scowl, "But if the king's brother... would pardon me for such accusations, then I would be grateful."

A long and heavy pause followed the lioness' words. (Y/n) politely smiled and nodded at Scar before she started to walk away from the cave and into the little daylight the cloudy skies provided.

However, when she was about to step out of the cave, (Y/n) heard a roar and fast approaching steps. She swiftly turned around with a paw ready to strike that met Scar's face with a hard slap knocking him back a bit.

(Y/n) wasted no time and sprinted down and away from the Pride Rock and continued to run further through the wastelands when she heard the haunting cackle of the hyenas. But the lioness knew better than to turn back and ran towards the mountains away from her home.

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now