Pouncing - Chapter 4

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Ok, before you start reading and want to understand the whole scene then I recommend that you look at the previous chapter's video. The end of the video is the beginning of this chapter.


All three of us were walking through the lush green savannah. Life thrived all around us as Mufasa continued on with his lesson.

"Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance." Mufasa continued as I was looking at the antelopes that were leaping a little distance before us on the side of the little mountain we were standing on.

"As King," he said looking at Simba, "and as the King's right hand," he said while looking at me and then turned his head to look ahead. "you both need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures."

"From the crawling ant," I said as I remembered my father's words. "to the leaping antelope."

Mufasa nodded before Simba chimed in, "But don't we eat the antelope?"

"Yes, but here's the thing," I said when I turned to Simba. "When we, or any other animal for that fact, dies, our bodies become grass. And the antelopes eat the grass."

"And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life." Mufasa ended my statement as he looked at the view from the top of the mountain.

"Good morning, sire!" I heard a familiar voice say and looked up to see Zazu landing on a nearby rock.

"Good morning, Zazu." the King said.

"Checking in with the morning report." Zazu finished as bowed down to Mufasa.

"Fire away," Mufasa said to his advisor.

"Well! The buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot..." I heard Zazu say until I felt a nudge in my shoulder and turned to see Simba smirk and then sloppily crouching down and trying to catch a grasshopper.

Keyword: trying.

"What is Simba doing?" I heard Mufasa whisper to me.

"Apparently, pouncing," I replied in the same volume and heard the King chuckle before he went to his son and I followed him soon after.

"Let an old pro show you two how it's done." I heard the king whisper to us.

Mufasa crouched down beside us and I mimicked his crouching while Zazu kept telling us about the news in the Pride Lands.

Doesn't he notice that no one is listening? I thought as I partly looked at the red-billed hornbill but maintaining my main focus of my King.

"Zazu, would you turn around?" Mufasa asked the bird with a hint of a sly smirk and a smirk of my own appeared on my face.

"Yes, sire." Zazu did as he told and continued immediately. "The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say..."

"Stay low to the ground," Mufasa whispered to Simba whose butt was in the air and pushed it to the ground. He didn't do any corrections to me since I was doing it alright.

"Okay, stay low to the ground, right...yeah..." Simba said to his father and I noticed that Zazu started to turn around so I silently slid into a patch of taller grass to make sure Zazu doesn't notice me trying to pounce on him.

"What's going on?" I heard Zazu ask as I silently moved closer to the bird ready to pounce.

"A pouncing lesson," Mufasa replied calmly with the smirk still present on his face and then looked in my direction and apparently saw me hiding and gave me a nod and I moved a little further in Zazu's direction.

"Oh very good. Pouncing." I then saw a look of realization pass on his face and he immediately turned around, panicked. "Pouncing!?! Oh no, sire, you can't be serious..."

Mufasa then motioned him to turn around and I almost gave away my position from laughing but I managed to hold it in as Zazu hesitantly complied, muttering. "This is so humiliating."

"Try not to make a sound," Mufasa whispered to Simba and then locked eyes with me and I nodded, confirming I heard his advice.

I then managed to crouch to a perfect position where I can see Zazu and easily pounce on him and where I can see Simba and Mufasa and when the prince would pounce.

"What are you telling him, Mufasa?" Zazu asked as I saw him look behind him only to see that no-one was in sight. "Mufasa? Simba?"

I then looked at the pair of lions and saw the King slightly nod at me and then pounced on the bird who yelled out in surprise. Mufasa laughed while Simba yelled "Hey!" in slight anger that he wasn't the one to pounce on Zazu.

"That's very good," Mufasa said to me laughing as I made my way to him and my friend, leaving Zazu to lie on the ground.

"Now this time-" Mufasa started saying to us until he was cut off.

"My King!" my father yelled in alarm as he ran up to us. "Hyenas! In the Pride Lands!"

"Zazu, take Simba and (Y/n) home." Mufasa said. "Shujae, lead the way."

"Dad, can't we come?" Simba asked.

"No." my father replied curtly before looking at me. "Make sure both of you get home safe and then go to your mothers."

I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance because I wanted to come with him but I knew he wouldn't allow it. I sighed in frustration and decided to put my pride aside and replied. "Yes, father."

I saw him give me a nod and for a moment saw his eyes soften before he and Mufasa turned around and ran away.

Simba then 'tsk'ed and turned around to walk home and I followed.

"I never get to go anywhere." I heard Simba say in anger.

"Oh, master, one day you will be king; then you can chase those slobbering mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk," Zazu replied somewhat cheerfully as we all walked back to the Pride Rock.

Why does it feel like something bad is about to happen soon? I thought to myself as I lowered my head and furrowed my brows, deep in thought.

"You OK, (Y/n)?" Simba asked me and I immediately looked up, brought out of my thoughts, and smiled in reassurance.

"I'm fine." I said. "Come on, the sooner we get to the Pride Rock, the sooner we can meet Nala."

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