Mourning and Dark Signs- Chapter 13

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A bit more than a week had passed before the girl finally decided to come out of her mourning stage, at least to some degree, and carry on with life. (Y/n) wanted more time to mourn the death of her best friend, however, she understood that she still had responsibilities she needed to fulfill.

But the girl knew that it would never be the same.

Now that Mufasa and Simba were gone, she automatically became the guardian of future children that the king's brother - Scar- would bare. And as much as she wanted to escape this duty, (Y/n) felt inseparable from her job.

She was once again hunting with the other lionesses, this time Nala was chosen to go with all of them. As the group walked to the fields where they knew would be the most prey the two friends walked beside each other.

(Y/n) walked stoically, her figure appearing strong and confident with her head raised high with an emotionless scowl on her face, but in truth, the girl wanted to mask the fact that she was deeply hurt and appear strong for her best friend.

Nala's figure was more slouched. She appeared more saddened and (Y/n) knew why. She had the right to mourn as Nala was much closer to the late prince than she ever was, which made (Y/n) jealous often.

When (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes found the dejected girl's figure she expression softened and shoulders dropped. The girl wanted to say something, anything to comfort her friend but the words seemed stuck in her throat and formed a large lump. (Y/n) struggled with getting her words out and after a while, she just gave up, sighed, and instead gently nuzzled Nala's face with her snout as a form of comfort.

Her friend confusedly looked at (Y/n). In her eyes, they never had that great of a relationship than the golden furred lioness had with Simba, and even at times Nala thought that (Y/n) hated her, so it surprised her when the girl comforted her. Regardless, once the other girl started to draw her head away, Nala nuzzled (Y/n) back. She knew that she could never understand the pain the now ex-guard of the prince felt, but regardless Nala appreciated that her friend tried to be strong for her and others.

Once they both drew away from their brief comforting, (Y/n) faced forward and took a deep breath, making her return to her stoic appearance and the scowl once again painting her face. Nala sighed and too returned to facing forward and standing taller than she did before.

The hunt was successful but less fruitless than in one of the previous times. The prey seemed to have gone further than normal, and it didn't help that at the end of the hunt a pack of hyenas decided to sabotage the mission and scare away some of the possible kills.

The lionesses returned to Pride Rock some of them carrying the fruits of their hunt. The dark clouds that had come the week before hadn't retreated nor they bared any rain to water the plants which fed the animals. Once they had climbed to the ledge of their homes the group was met with Scar, who was sitting before them, looking displeased.

"What took you so long?" Scar demanded rather than asked.

The lionesses turned to their new king, dropping the corpses on the ground and quietly looking at the displeased lion.

"The herds had moved a bit farther than we expected," Sarafina finally spoke up," and were interrupted by a pack of hyenas-"

"Well, you weren't quick enough, they must've felt famished," The king rudely dismissed the matter before turning his eyes at the food before him.

Scar started to feast on the corpse of the zebra and the other members of the pride took it as a sign that they could eat. However, once one of the lionesses, the one that (Y/n) remembered accompanied her on her first hunt, started to bite down on the same zebra as the king, which surprisingly prompted the dark-furred lion to lash out at her and claw her face. The lioness yelled out in pain as she felt blood gush down her face and other lionesses surrounded her to see what had happened, one of those lionesses being (Y/n).

Sarabi's shocked face turned into one of anger as she turned to her brother-in-law.

"What have you done?!" the dowager queen demanded an answer from the unfazed male.

"It was her own fault," Scar justified and turned away from her, "She shouldn't have started to eat before her king finished."

"That is NOT how it is done," Another lioness pitched in while the injured lioness wailed in the background, "Mufasa would never-"

"I am NOT Mufasa and he is not your king anymore!" the male sharply growled back at her while getting in the lioness' face as to appear more intimidating, making the lioness who spoke out step back and cower, "I am your king! And you should remember that."

(Y/n), Nala and the other lionesses looked shocked at Scar's proclaim. The golden furred girl's face twisted into a grimace at him.

She could only pray to the ancestors that this would be the last time something like this happens.

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