Calm before the storm - Chapter 5

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The walk back to the Pride Rock was mostly quiet. Simba and Zazu continued to talk about whatever was on their minds, but I couldn't listen. For some reason, I knew something was going to happen.

"I'm probably just being paranoid." I murmured to myself, trying to calm my raging mind.

"Did you say something?" I heard Simba ask and swiftly turned my head up to glance at him and saw him worried.

"It's nothing," I told him, "just not feeling well."

Not far ahead of us, the Pride Rock stood proudly. I immediately knew that it was my chance to escape the young prince's prodding, so I turned to look at him.

"I'll go ahead and try to find Nala," I said to him and started trotting towards the mountain before Simba could reply.

Once I was on top, I sighed, hoping that later in the day Simba would just forget about my strange behavior. 

"But then again, he is stubborn," I murmured to myself as I was just about to walk away to look for Nala and possibly my mother to see what was wrong with me until I heard a deep and honeylike voice from behind me.

"Who is stubborn, (Y/n)?"

I was spooked and swiftly turned around to see who spoke out of pure instinct only to see the golden fur that belonged to my mother, Eadala. I breathed out a sigh of relief and then smiled at her.

"Simba. Who else could it possibly be?" I replied as I trotted after her when she began to walk away.

"Hmmm...I don't know...." she said, seemingly thinking until I saw her mouth curve slightly upwards and knew that she was going to tease me. "Perhaps my darling husband-"

"True, I suppose. Dad can be stubborn at times." I interjected and then saw her smirk at me.

"Or it could be my beloved daughter." She said smirking as she lightly pushed me with her front paw.

"Oh come on!" I groaned at her teasing which caused her smirk to become wider to my observation. "I'm not that stubborn!"

"I would beg to differ, love," she said as she nuzzled my head with her's.

I happily nuzzled back enjoying my mother's affection and the softness of her fur. I then remembered what I wanted to talk to her about and looked up at her.

"Mother," I asked to which she hummed in reply as we once again started walking, this time down the side of Pride Rock to one of it's lower levels. "I wanted to ask you about something."

She turned to look at me and saw my worry which made her worried as well. "Is something wrong-?"

"No-I mean yes- I-" I groaned as I tried to form proper words to express my thoughts. "It's just....I'm worried. Since Simba and I started walking back to Pride Rock, I kept having this feeling like something was about to happen. Something bad."

She didn't say anything. Her brows furrowed in thought and she hummed. I continued to look at her, hoping she would provide me with an answer, but she didn't say anything. After a few moments, she did look at me and start speaking.

"I'm not entirely sure what it would mean. It could just be paranoia but considering you have been training with your father to become the King's right hand and the personal guard..." she then trailed off and I looked at her, slowly starting to go impatient to hear the answer.

She then sighed and looked into my eyes and calmly yet seriously said. "My advice would be to keep an eye out, just in case. You can never be too careful."

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now