Revelations - Chapter 18

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The run up the mountain slope was steep and the tiny shard-like rocks managed to scrape the lioness' paws, causing them to bleed slightly. The haunting cackling behind her hadn't stopped only now it was followed by growls.

(Y/n) felt herself start to run out of breath when she had reached the mountain top. Her lungs had started to burn from the lack of air and the dust that appeared when the lioness ran over the parched earth. She coughed from the small particles that she had breathed in before looking around to find some shelter from her pursuers, knowing that she was too weak to fight them off alone.

Soon enough she had found a small crevice the (Y/n) believed she can fit in.  With the last of her strength, she tried to reach it, however, one of the hyenas had managed to bite down on (Y/n)'s foot, making the lioness cry out in pain. She kicked the hyena on the head with her other hind leg to no avail when a couple of hyenas jumped on her, managing to scratch and bite down on her weakened body.

A few gruelling moments of endless assault (Y/n) felt some of the weight from the hyenas on top of her being lifted off. The lioness initially thought that it was simply because one of the hyenas had knocked some others off to finish her or that they wanted to get off so that Scar, who could've already potentially arrived to kill her. But to her surprise, she heard a strange battle cry. After it followed more of the weight of her attackers being swiftly thrown off as well as whines of pain.

(Y/n) barely managed to raise up her head to look at who had helped and saw the familiar mandrill through her blurred vision. The lioness' senses had become weaker, making everything blurrier and more muted, however, she could still see the hyenas retreating and Rafiki coming to her side.

(Y/n) couldn't understand what he was saying. She could barely register anything. The huntress did, however, feel her body being picked up and placed on the monkey's back, causing excruciating pain to course through her entire body from the wounds she had sustained from the fight. (Y/n) growled in pain.

The lioness heard Rafiki's soothing voice. She couldn't understand the words, but she noted that whatever he had said was meant to comfort her and to soothe her pain. (Y/n) tried to remain conscious during the walk to wherever the mandrill had decided to bring her, but it was futile and soon fell into an unconscious state.


Several hours after the incident the lioness had finally woken up. She felt great pain throughout her body, especially in her hind leg and side. (Y/n) would've wondered if she had died and that the image of Rafiki was merely a spirit that guided her into the next life if it were not for her injuries.

(Y/n) carefully leaned on her front paws and slowly tried to stand up to look around as to where she was.

"I wouldn't recommend moving much," the huntress heard Rafiki's voice that was strained by age, "Might reopen the wounds and then it would be much worse than now."

"What happened?" (Y/n) spoke with a raspy and strained voice, her dry neck macking her cough a bit before she managed to regain her breath and went towards the bowl that the mandrill had calmly pointed at. To her delight, it was filled with water and she managed to swiftly drink out of it, soothing the burning sensation in her throat.

"You almost died," Rafiki explained, "I managed to drag you back here and successfully mend your wounds. In a few days, they should be all healed."

"How long was I out?" (Y/n) carefully asked.

"For almost a day," his words made the lioness' eyes become wide, she couldn't believe that she had been unconscious for so long, "But like I said. You should rest and let yourself heal."

He then started to walk away and (Y/n)'s brows furrowed questionably.

"Where are you going?" the lioness asked.

"To find Simba," he calmly stated with a slight smile.

"But...but Simba is-" (Y/n) stuttered in confusion her brows furrowed deeper and nose scrunched up.

"But he isn't," "You see, I've recieved proof that he lives, that he is quite far away. So that is why I have to go. To set him on the right path-"

"Simba is dead!" (Y/n) loudly exclaimed in anger, "He has been for the last two years! And I will not let myself believe that he is alive! Not after everything that has happened..."

"Do you truly believe he is dead or do you believe the things Scar has said?" Rafiki calmly asked.

"What diffrence does it make?" the lioness questioned impatiently.

"The diffrence is that he might use words to manipulate the image of the situation just like he had when he claimed that he killed your parents for speaking out of turn," the mandrill explained, (Y/n)'s face softening from hostile to worry and questioning, "You are an intelligent woman, (Y/n). You know there was more behind their death. He had always wanted to be king."

The lioness decided to give some thought about it. She had always known that there was always something behind their deaths, that something didn't seem right. (Y/n) knew that Scar had never been fond of her mother and father and understood that perhaps for being disgarded, he might want more power, for the position of king.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the sudden revelation. Why Scar was so willing to take his brother's and nephew's death. And he knew Shujae and Eadala were smart lions and loyal to Mufasa... So he had killed them to remain in power, so no one would suspect anything.

She felt her blood boil. (Y/n) wanted to avange the death of her parents, the needless death of them for Scar's selfish needs. Her eyes were bright from the flame behind them. She wanted the bastard to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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