Duties over friendships - Chapter 7

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I decided to skip the "I just can't wait to be king" scene because it would be far too chaotic and I know I won't be able to write it out.

Also, I forgot to post this chapter yesterday, and most of today's morning. I'm sorry! Tomorrow you will still receive the next chapter.

Anyway, enjoy and have a wonderful rest of the day!

Third-person pov.


After the initial chaos and Simba's singing, everyone finally decided to leave. (Y/n) franticly looked around for her friends and Zazu that she lost a while back and entered a field with a rhinoceros in the middle and a giraffe grazing in the background.

"I beg your pardon, madam, but get off!" the lion cub heard the muffled voice of Zazu near the rhino and immediately ran towards it, "Simba? Nala! (Y/n)?"

"Pardon me," (Y/n) nervously asked the large herbivore who turned her head upon hearing the lioness cub, "But could you please release my friend? You're, well....sitting on him and...yeah..."

Despite (Y/n)'s loss for words at the end of her request the rhino got off and wandered away releasing the squashed bird.

"Thank you!" the girl shouted after the rhinoceros before turning back towards Zazu who had now swayingly managed to get up, "You alright?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," Zazu grumbled as he dusted off his wings and looked around, his eyes widening, "Uh, where are Simba and Nala?"

"I don't know. I lost them," (Y/n) said slowly before her head shot up in the direction of the shadowed part of the Pride Lands and her eyes widened, "Oh no."

"What?" the African red-billed hornbill asked worriedly.

"I think they're going to the elephant graveyard," the lion cub said, "Simba said that he wanted to take me and Nala there and that all he needed was to ditch you!"

"Then I have to go find them," Zazu said determinedly, "Go back to Pride Rock to safety. I'll bring the two home."

"But what if they-" (Y/n) started her sentence only for Zazu to fly off leaving no room for objections.

She briefly looked as the bird flew away before realization hit her. She needed to alert the king so that he can help look for them. (Y/n) knew Zazu wouldn't find the two on her own so she turned towards the direction of Pride Rock and began running as fast as she could.

The scenery changed rapidly as she sprinted across the field her tunnel vision only focused on the large rock that she and other members of her pride called home. Her legs started to ache from the strain and it felt like fire was burning in her throat. But (Y/n) didn't stop running until she reached the base of the Pride Rock.

She leaped up the path, taking small breaks to catch her breath momentarily before continuing her task until (Y/n) saw the King and her father conversing with each other.

"Father!" she called out and ran towards them both, "Simba and Nala are in trouble!"

"What is it? What's going on?" Shujae asked thinking that nothing serious had happened.

"Both of them are in the Elephant Graveyard," (Y/n)'s words made both of the male lions' faces drop as they listened more attentively to the girl, "Zazu already went after them but I don't think he'll do much."

"Shujae, go to the Elephant Graveyard immediately, I'll be right behind you!" Mufasa commanded,  the girl's father only nodded and started running down the side of the Pride Rock, "(Y/n), stay here."

"But I want to help!" the girl exclaimed.

"You've already helped by informing us. Now stay here. We'll handle this." the king replied sternly and started to follow Shujae towards the Elephant Graveyard.

(Y/n) sat there crestfallen as she looked at the ground. She wanted to help more, just like her father would. But deep down (Y/n) knew she had to follow the orders of her king, no matter what. The cub got up and slowly started to drag herself to the other lions.

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