Everything the light touches is our kingdom - Chapter 3

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The rest of the story will be written in the reader's/First person pov.

P.s. For biological accuracy, I'm going to say 'a few months later' instead of ' a few years later'. I do not have a particular reason for doing so, it just didn't seem right to me. But if it makes you confused then please ignore it. Thank you!

~~~a few months later~~~

The sun had barely started to rise. The skies were a beautiful midnight blue transpiring into beautiful purple and some stars were still shining.

I stood on the edge of the pride rock and admired the scenery with one of my best friends, Simba, by my side.

"Come on! We should wake my dad up so we can go!" Simba suddenly said excitedly and was about to run off into the cave until I firmly placed my paw on his tail, stopping him from moving.

"Are you insane?" I asked the younger (only by a few days but still) lion. "You can't just go and wake him up this early."

"But he promised!" Simba whined.

I sighed in exasperation and annoyance, knowing that the king will not be pleased.

"Fine. If you want to wake him up then go." I said. "But don't drag me into this. If he asks if I agreed with the idea, then I will deny it."

I then lifted my paw from his tail and watched as he dashed to his father while jumping over the lionesses' (and jumping on some of them).

"Dad! Dad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go! Wake up!" Simba yelled excitedly as I went after him and apologized to the lionesses' for his behavior.

"Dad?" Simba asked and when he saw that his dad didn't wake up yet, he whined "Dad" over and over again.

"Dad? Dad! Come on, dad!" Simba then tugged on Mufasa's ear and accidentally fell off of him into a nearby pile of bones. He then rammed his head into his father's cheek to wake him up.

"Simba, what the hell?!" I said surprised that he could do something like that to the bloody KING of the Pride Lands.

"You promised!" Simba said ignoring my comment.

I then saw the king open his eyes sleepily and look at Simba who was standing there impatiently and then look at my horrified form after seeing what Simba had just done and I immediately bowed my head in a greeting.

"Okay, okay, I'm up. I'm up." Mufasa said and Simba ran away from him joyfully at his success in waking his dad up.

"You did not need to slam into your dad like that." I gritted through my teeth.

"Oh come on! How would you have woken him up?" Simba asked.

"Civily." I replied and then looked at the King and Queen who had woken up and started coming towards us.

While Simba ran ahead of us to the entrance of the cave I fell in step with the King and Queen and smiled at them both before wishing them good morning to which they replied the same way I did.

When all of us arrived at the entrance Simba rubbed himself between the Queen's front paws lovingly and she only nudged him to go with a loving expression.

"(Y/n)." Sarabi said softly and I immediately turned to look at her. She then came up to me and whispered into my ear with a teasing smirk. "Make sure he doesn't get in trouble."

"I'll try, but I doubt that it will be possible," I replied with a teasing smirk of my own and Sarabi chuckled.

She then gestured with her head for me to follow them and I did. I followed the two males to the top of the Pride Rock where we sat down and watched as the sun's warm rays enveloped the ground below us in a beautiful golden glow.

"Look, Simba, (Y/n)." Mufasa said from beside us. Simba was sitting on his right side while I did on the left. "Everything the light touches is our kingdom."

"Wow." Simba and I said at the same time in wonder.

"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun." the King continued as I looked at the vastness of the Pride Lands while still listening to his speech. "One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king."

"And this will all be mine?" Simba asked as he looked out at the sun enveloped the land.

"Everything." his father replied to him.

Simba then stood up and started walking to see the entirety of the Pride Lands and both mine and Simba's eyes fell on the shadow covered patch of land not too far away. I recognized it easily from what my own father had told me.

"What about that shadowy place?" Simba asked.

"That's beyond the borders of the Pride Lands," I said before Mufasa could. "My father said that no one can ever go there."

"(Y/n) is right. You must never go there." Mufasa said and nodded in gratituded at me.

"But I thought a king can do whatever he wants," Simba said as he looked up at his father.

Mufasa and I then stood up and started moving away from the edge and down the Pride Rock.

"Oh, there's more to king than getting your way all the time." Mufasa said with a smile.

"There's more?" Simba said awed and I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Simba." Mufasa chuckled and I smiled.

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now