The hunt - Chapter 9

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I decided to include the new live-action version of Stampede because it seemed more dramatic for this chapter and I honestly love it!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and that you have a nice rest of the day!

P.s. I got asked about this story by PetraGirlPsych and I got an idea that I wanted to ask you all about. What if I insert an OC in this story to act as a love interest for (Y/n)? I'm asking this because I legitimately want to know if you're going to like it and don't want to upset you more than I already have with all the delays and stuff.


Days had gone by after the incident and everything seemed to get back to normal. Simba started to act more responsibly, Nala learned to think for herself and not always follow another's lead and (Y/n) had made up with them. And yet there was still the dark feeling that the cub's intuition gave as if something would happen just like it did in the Elephant Graveyard. As much as (Y/n) wanted to get rid of the feeling she couldn't and it frustrated her.

But that didn't matter to her at the moment. What did is the task at hand - hunting. (Y/n) was finally asked by her mother and the other lionesses if she wanted to hunt with them. The girl, of course, said yes, it would be her first hunt with the other lionesses. Although as experienced as (Y/n) was in hunting (courtesy to her mother's advice and various pouncing training sessions at an early age), she was scared to mess up.

The cub, like the rest of the hunting group, was laying low on the ground, trying to blend in as best as she could. It was relatively easy considering that her pale golden fur allowed (Y/n) to blend in with the grass in the savannah. She made no sound as she focused on the antelope she and another younger lioness were tasked to kill. (Y/n) looked to her left to see her partner crouching down similarly to her and once they made eye contact both lionesses nodded and advanced slowly at their pray.

Once (Y/n) was close enough she jumped on it's back and with her claws managed to make a wound in the side that slowed the antelope down, but not slow enough for the girl to ponce again and deliver the killing blow. But it did help the other girl to finish it by biting the neck and dragging it to the ground eventually suffocating it.

(Y/n) stared at the slightly bloodied antelope with furrowed brown and a small scowl.

"Why the long face, kiddo?" the girl's partner asked making (Y/n) snap out of her thoughts but still her face remained more disappointed looking.

"Nothing," (Y/n) replied calmly, "Just disappointed that couldn't actually kill it."

"It's alright," the more cheerful lioness comforted, "Seriously, kiddo! For your first hunt that was actually good! I remember my first hunt. I couldn't actually sneak up on the poor creature yet you did it like a pro!"

At this, (Y/n) felt heat rush up to her cheeks and with wide eyes turned her head away shyly at the compliments. Sure, the girl knew she was good since she trained hard but to hear someone other than her mother praising her hunting abilities was something else. However, a sliver of doubt still lingered in her mind that told (Y/n) she could've done better. That tainted her happy mood and the girl's face cooled and face became neutral once again.

"Come on," (Y/n) sighed out and gestured her paw at the corpse, "It's best that we find the others. They're probably waiting already."

The cub then turned away and started to walk away as she knew that her partner would pick up the antelope and carry it back to Pride Rock ((Y/n) would've carried it herself but she knew that would be futile due to her small stature). After a short while, the girl heard something dragging against the ground behind her and slowed her pace so that the other lioness would catch up.

After walking a relatively small distance they managed to spot the other lionesses and their kills and quickly made their way towards them.

"I see you were successful in your hunt," Eadala spoke once the pair were close enough.

"We were, mother," (Y/n) replied to her mother, "But you have to thank her for that-"

"And your daughter as well!" the cub's partner interfered when she dropped the antelope corpse to the ground, "She was the one to actually get the first blow on it. Very skillfully none the less!"

The girl was about to deny the accusations but before she could utter a word Sarabi spoke.

"I'm guessing she got the side, yes?" the queen asked, making (Y/n)'s partner nod silently, and then turned to look at the youngest member with a kind smile, "Then I should congratulate you, (Y/n). Not many manage to get this far in their first hunt."

The addressed girl was stunned into silence before she snapped out of it and respectfully thanked Sarabi, cursing herself in her head for stuttering. The lioness only smiled and suggested to go back to Pride Rock before the storm would hit, judging by the dark and ominous clouds in the distance.

The pack started to walk back with the prizes of their fruitful hunt, but (Y/n) stayed for a moment looking at the clouds. Once again, the dreadful feeling returned. By now the girl had learned to trust her instincts, however, that didn't stop (Y/n) from worrying more. She could only wait until something would indicate danger.

And with that, (Y/n) turned around and ran to catch up to the group heading for their home. The closer they got, the stronger her feeling became.

[Discontinued] The Lioness ~~~ A Lion King x reader fanfiction~~~Where stories live. Discover now