The message

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I'm not really sure if my words make sense to you but I can't find another way other way to form these feelings insecure and sort them in my mind.

As the avengers enter the living room they hear a message start to play.
"So if you all are seeing this I guess I ended what I wanted to since I was eight" The message is being said by the girl that they just witness go.
"Some might be wondering why I decided to end it all there's quite a few things you did not know about me for example you don't know who I really am and the real reason why I was here. But let me tell you the beginning of everything I guess. There once was an eight year old who woke up in a strange place not knowing anything about her past life not even knowing her name. That 8-year old got injected by a serum that gave her superpowers but she did not want them she got trained all her life to be an assassin an assassin that was later named the frozen soldier. This  assassin one day got sent out on a mission she had to kill the earth's mightiest heroes so she went with on with the plan no matter how much she thought she was going to die  later on she lives with them for a bit  she did not know why but she got attached to them the first people who are nice to her the first people who cared about her well at least the first people that she remembered caring about her. One day she decided she was not going to do as she was told because these people were the only people that she trusted. And then she hated her life. Not because of them but because she thought she could kill them. She then decided that she would end the world's suffering by killing herself and make the world a better place now hydra  almost gone thank Jesus Christ by the way. So that eight year old was me. I just want you all to know that  you gave me a family that i never deserved. You give me a chance to be better to think for myself for once I want you all to know that you make my life better and thank you. Also the songs that I made had a secret meaning. Devil town aka hydra. Hug all ur friends aka kill urself message man aka infiltrated." She said then chuckled
"You know you would think that I never wanted my parents to know that their daughter became this thing is freaking monster I mean I did something stupid I went and then a blood test to find out who they are but me being me never opend the letter . So that letter on the coffee table are the results. I want you to open it and if they're not dead or anything just tell them that i died and then tell them I forgive them that I love them. Anyway enough with these stupid stuff and emotions lol and go live your life have fun and please don't remember I even existed not like you were anyway. Oh and also on that phone are all my songs and stuff so yeah that's that. Bye peace sionara cao guten tag goodbye people Bai"

The negative thoughts go on the left and the happy things go in the right

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