Gone with the wind

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It had been a month since rose had returned and everybody was happy now everyone knew everything and you could say that life was as normal as ever for the avengers. They had all gone on some small missions and rose had became a shield agent but she was an avenger as well. They now though that hydra was taken down since they had no one to do their dirty work for them. But they were very wrong. Hydra had planned for this to happen so they knew what they had to do next.

At the tower...

Rose was sitting on the couch watching supernatural with her dad. She loved that tv show and she watched it every day Brooklyn nine nine was also one of her favourites so that's what she'd do most of the time watch her favourite shows, train, read a book and maybe even practice her guitar skills even though she had no need to. The girl had mastered her powers more than before so she was stronger.
Tony was in the lab working on his armour.
Steve was training with Natasha
and Clint.
Sam was watching the two train.
Bruce had been helping Tony and Thor and Loki had gone back to Asgard.
Pietro was with Bucky and Rose
Whilst Wanda was out with Vision.
All of them were too busy to notice what was happening just a few floors bellow the tower until they heard the sound of millions of footsteps just below the room and they all realized something a little too late to get prepared because.
Hydra was back.
And they wanted to take something that belonged to them.
No someone.

It was too late and they took that someone.

That someone was Rose

They had bucky on a headlock and they had put the older speedster to sleep. The black widow was beeing held down by some men and the archer didn't have his bow and arrow on hand. Him and the capiten was fighting others when they stuck a needle on the girls neck and knowing that wouldn't do much help for long they cuffed her hands and they took her on the roof  where a back up helicopter was waiting. 
Then it flew up and into the building.

And just like that she was

And the avengers were too late again.
The couldn't save her again.
Her father couldn't save her again.
Nobody could save her again or could they

She was gone with the wind

All because they can't save her again

𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚍 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 ✧ 𝙼 𝙰 𝚁 𝚅 𝙴 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now