The prettiest smiles hide the darkest secrets

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It has been two years since that day the day winter escaped the day she found out why he let her speak like that. And now our little 13 year old Rose would be given a mission or like she calls it Mission impossible .
"Frozen soldier your mission is a hard one but we believe you will succeed after all your our best soldier. What we need you to make the avengers extinct." Our new 'friend' said Rose was thinking she was going to die but it couldn't be that hard could it?
"Excuse me do you think I have a fucking death wish that's practically mission impossible!" She screamed
"Don't you dare Talk to me like that I'm not your little friend Piece am I!" He screamed and hit her across the face
"Whipe her!" He screamed
"She didn't struggle but this time they didn't whipe what she thought they would they made her mind completely clear
"Ready to comply"
While at the tower

As Rose enterd the tower she heard a voice say
"Hello miss I'm Mr.Starks Ai F.R.I.D.A.Y how may I help you today" "okay umm can you please tell me where are the avengers?" She asked a little startled not knowing where the voice came from
"They are at the lounge just enter the elevator and I'll take you there" The voice said. And Rose did as she was told. As the elevator doors opened the avengers looked at who had come but none of them was expecting a 13 year old girl.
"Hi?" Tony asked.
"Yeah hi...I heard that you help people with enhanced abilities and umm... I'm one and I kinda need your help" She said she did have enhanced abilities some she knew how to control and others not so much. "Who are you?" Steve asked he felt like he knew this girl but he couldn't quite place how he knew her. "I'm Rose" She said she didn't know why she said that name  because she only knew herself as the Frozen Soldier but the name didn't feel new it felt like she aways knew that was her name
"Rose who?" Pietro asked
"I never knew that" Rose sighed.
"I never knew my last name or my parents but I don't want to know who they are all I know is that they abandoned me and if that is true I never want to know who they are  don't want them back in my life because I know they will only make the pain worst" She said as a tear fell from her cheek she ment what she said every single word of it she ment it all.
"We're sorry about that" Natasha said sweetly as she recognised that pain she felt the same pain when she was in red room and she didn't want anyone to feel that pain not even her worst enemies.
"So what kind of powers do you have?" Bruce asked he somehow knew this girl would son be in the team she probably would have a big part in their lives.
"Umm well I can make things appear out of thin air fire powers telekinesis and superspeed" She admitted she had each and every one of those powers and another one who hurt a lot when she used it
"And...That" She said as royal blue wings appeared out of her back "I don't really like to use them though because they hurt quite a lot when I pull them out and also one of my eyes turn purple when I use them so... I don't" She said as the wings went inside her back again
"Were you born with them or were you an experiment?" Vision asked calmly
"I don't prefer the term experiment I prefer gifted even though you didn't want them that type of thing" She said as her purple eye turned to its normal colour.
"Well do you know who gave them to you" Wanda asked
"Well not really you see after my parents left me I proceed a life on the streets till I was 4 then I got captured and those people gave me my powers and I kinda escaped so I know nothing about them except that they gave me my depression, anxiety and fear of needels ." She lied about everything except her depression anxiety and fear of needels
"Your depressed? You seem like a happy child " Loki asked
"Well you know what they say the prettiest smiles hide the darkest secrets" She admitted
"Also I know hand to hand combat quite well because it's one of the pluses of living life on the streets" As she said that a phone started ringing. "Oh sorry I have to take this it'll be one second" She said and then answered the phone "Sup Pete oh no I didn't go yeah I didn't" "Oh Really" Peter said as he hung up the phone.
"Jesus Christ dude you're everywhere," She gasped
"What are you doing here I told you not to come you need to listen to me you're like a little sister to me I was worried" He said
"Ah shit here we go again, Pete why is it such a problem dude it's not like I'm killing someone again you know I need help" Rose argued
"WAIT KILL SOMEONE AGAIN??"  The avengers screamed
"Aright so what I kinda killed somebody who was holding a little girl at gunpoint it's not the end of the world" she confessed then her eyes went wide as she saw Peter with a phone in hand ready to play something. "PETER NO! REALLY YOU WANT TO EMBARRASE ME AGAIN DON'T DO IT!" She said "Too late" Peter said and pressed the button and a song started playing

🎵Oh darling you have a golden heart that shouldn't change . Oh how the world makes you feel many types of pain. It never takes pleasure in your joy but it feels happiness in your tears  but how you never let it bring you down I do not know but it probably because of your golden heart.

Your so down to earth
And I'm up in the stars
So show me the seas
And I'll show you the stars

Oh darling you have a golden heart one that  doesn't change even when it feels a lot of pain.

Oh darling you have a golden heart that shouldn't change . Oh how the world makes you feel many types of pain. It never takes pleasure in your joy but it feels happiness in your tears  but how you never let it bring you down I do not know but it probably because of your golden heart. You have a golden heart.

A golden heart 🎵

Rose was singing that song  the avengers looked like they were enjoying the song "Did you sing that?" Thor asked.

"Yes." She admitted "And now I wish I could melt because of how much I hate you" She said as she put on her hood and looked at Peter.
"You know I hate you right" Rose told him
"Yeah love you too" He told her with a smirk on his face.
"Wait kid you too know each other?" Tony asked Peter
"Yeah we do I met him when e
I was 7" Rose told Tony
"When she killed that dude"
"What was I supposed to do I wouldn't let him hurt a kid so a bullet on his head wasn't that big of a deal !" She sighed
"Wait you killed him when you were 7!" Thor said shoked
"Technically I killed him when I was 5 and met Peter that day but then ran away and met him 2 years later where he took that stupid video.!"She said like she was used to saying it.
"5? Your impressive kid" Natasha said to her
"I know" She said as calm as hell
"I also have other videos of you singing so you know you won't escape"
"First of you sound like your keeping me trapped and second of What?!"
🎵"A citrus friend"🎵
Peter's phone sung
"You wouldn't dare" She said and if looks could kill Peter wouldn't be with us anymore
"Oh trust me I would I would"
"Not anymore" She said and speeded behind him and took his phone and broke it
"Not anymore" she said and throw Peter his phone.
"Ok anyways...will you help me?" She asked her voice sounded like that was the most important question in her life.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say we'll help you" Sam spoke and a smile appeared on the girls face. Thank you you have no idea how much this means to me." She said happily.
"Ok kid let me show you your room"
Tony said and stud up and started walking the girl following him closely .
As her thoughts were scattered in her head.                            
Well that was easier than I thought all I have to do now is find the right time to end their lives. You know this mission is making me realize how good of a lier I am I can't believe I have to kill Petey how am I going to do this this might as well be my hardest mission.
Then Tony opened the door to her room as she went inside she studied the room it was a light blue room with a bed that had black sheets and a dark blue desk with a white chair and white closet and a medium sized window close to the desk next to it was a door propably leading to the bathroom. She was surprised at what she saw this was way better than that filthy Hydra cell she called home
"I know it not a lot but it the only extra room we have on the tower" Tony admitted
"I love it" the girl said her voice light as a whisper from beeing able claim this as her room
"I'm glad you like it so I'll let you get settled then later I can give you a tour of the tower aright." Tony informed.
"Ok" the girl said and Tony left closing the door behind him.
The girl opened the closet and started putting her clothes in it.
Yup this is my hardest mission yet she thought.

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