First day of school

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On September first, I arrived at school at 7 am under the heat of the sun rays. I was waiting to see my friend, I didn't see her the whole summer break but when I saw a beautiful girl talking with her friends I couldn't stop looking at her.

 She had long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes that looked like melted chocolate. 

I didn't realise that i was staring until she turned around and my eyes met hers it must've been really hot outside because I could feel the beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

 A couple of seconds later  I was in front of her we were only inches apart "hi i'm Lauren " I said, she smiled "hi i'm Camila nice to meet you" she responded. OMG Camila's her name she's so cute .

"Nice to meet you too! I love your name by the way it's really cute" she smiled and when I was about to ask her if she would like to hang out after class i was cut off by Normani. great .

"Laur, how was summer?  I missed you!  i'm sure you missed Lucy". She said while winking at me.

 "MANIBEAR OMG i missed you soo much! But I didn't miss Lucy that much. After all we are just close friends" I told her she smiled and hugged me and whispered to me "so who's that girl? "

 "Camila this is normani , mani this is Camila" I said "so, who are those two girls back there" she pointed to a short blonde girl and a tall one "oh this is Dinah and Ally " When I was about to ask her to hang out for a second time the bell rang. 

When i entered the class I saw Camila sitting alone so I approached the seat next to her and asked her "Is this seat taken?" she shook her head no and smiled i was excited that I'll be sitting next to her for this whole year.

At the end of the school day I was heading towards my car. When someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and was met with her beautiful brown eyes.

"hi um can you give me a ride home my car broke down" she said softly

"of course "

 I opened the door for her to get in then went in myself and started the car. Turns out she lived a block away from my house.

 So i asked her "would you like to hang out at lunch tomorrow cause i really wanna get to know you?"

 I was starting to fidget 

"um sure I want to get to know you too"she smiled at me and i smiled back.

 I didn't realise I was staring for that long at her lips until the car behind me began to honk at me. Her lips looked so soft and pink I wanted to kiss them so bad.  

When we arrived to her house i got out of the car and ran to open the door for her. When she got out our noses were practically touching .

"Thank you so much for the ride " she said.

 I leaned in and kissed her cheek " no problem princess" she blushed

 "see you tomorrow " I hugged her and left I couldn't help but smile that night I was so excited for tomorrow, I went to sleep at approximately 10 pm that night.


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