Lauren vs Lucy

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My team and I kept training however Lucy's team stopped training and watched the game.

After half an hour the game was over and Ariana's team won so we were up next "Lauren and Lucy it's your turn good luck girls"

Well obviously we won i mean Mani and I are the best players in the school Camila and Dinah were jumping and screaming for 5 minutes straight so I think it was their first win 

"hey guys was that your first time winning? if you want to we can go celebrate after school"

 "yea it was our first win and we would love to celebrate"

 "so tonight at my house?"

 "yup we'll be there".

After a couple of classes I made it to the last class of the day which is Math i hate Math but what can I do I have to study It .

I enter the class and sit at the back I hated both this subject, the teacher and that  I didn't have any of the girls with me in this class. We were doing a question but It was so boring that I couldn't even force myself to listen. I was starting to fall asleep but suddenly my phone buzzed. I took It out of my pocket and read the notification it was Camila she texted me.

  from Camzi😘💝💖

hey Lolo I miss you and I'm bored save me

to Camzi😘💝💖

I miss you too Camzi but

 I don't think history is as boring as math

 i'm dying here

from Camzi😘💝💖 

Ik but who cares about those people they're all dead

to Camzi😘💝💖

i mean they created calculators  

from Camzi 😘💝💖

Ikr i gotta go 

to Camzi😘💝💖


I closed my phone and dropped my head on my desk and fell asleep. After a couple of minutes the bell rang waking me up.

I got up and walked to my car I saw Mani, Dinah and Ally walking towards me 

"hey do you know where Camila is?"

 "nope"said mani 

"yea I know she's in the bathroom" 

"okay Imma go get her you guys get in the car and y'all can choose the music"suddenly all three of them began running to the car I couldn't help but laugh as I was heading to the bathrooms.

When I reached the door handle the door flew open and someone ran into me. I lost my balance and fell on the ground. The other person fell on top of me.

 "OW" I screamed since my head landed on the floor 

Suddenly the person jumped up and began apologizing I couldn't hear her clearly at first but then I realized it was Camila 

"hey hey it's okay camz" 


 "yea i was just coming to tell you that the girls are waiting in the car "

 "i missed u" she hugged me, i hugged her back and chuckled 

"i missed you too now come the girls are waiting" she intertwined our hands and i lead her to the car.

I opened the door for her then ran and opened the driver's door and got to driving. After 15 min we arrived at my house, I opened the door for them then my mom yelled.

 "what took you so long Lauren" 

"oh hi mom well I invited my friends to celebrate their first win"

 "oh well congrats girls dinners ready " 

Camila and I sat next to each other on the table

"so Lauren are you gonna introduce me to your friends?" 

"okay so this is Camila that's Dinah and Ally and you know Mani"

 "well nice to meet you girls you can go to lauren's room if you finished eating "

 "okay bye mom"we head to my room

" sooo you guys can choose what movie you want to watch i'm gonna go and make popcorn" I said

" wait Lauren can i help you with the popcorn ?"camila asked 

"yea of course".

We go to the kitchen and I tell Camila where she can find the popcorn as I grabbed two big bowls for them. As i was putting them beside the microwave i heard Camila say 

"how long should i put it"

 "two and a half minutes "i told her 

"done" she said

 I looked at the microwave to check the timer and it was at 2:30:00(two and a half hours) I laughed at her and hugged her from behind 

"you put two and a half hours camzi" I whispered in her ear

 "oops i'm kinda tired"i kissed her cheek 


She turned around so she's facing me she wrapped her arms around my neck 

"mhm" she responded and put her head in the crook of my neck. I checked if too minutes had passed and took the popcorn out of the microwave I poured it in the first bowl and did the same things with the other five bags. Once I finished everything I heard Camila yawn and kiss my neck gently I looked down at her and kissed her head I called Amy (my sister) so she could take the popcorn to my room. I lifted Camila bridal style and made my way up. When I entered the girls looked at us confused 

"she's tired " 


 I laid her down on the bed and laid next to her she instantly cuddled me and fell asleep.

After a couple of hours I woke her up and brought her and the girls home. Once I arrived back home i got back to bed and fell asleep. 

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