I'm Not Okay

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I woke up kind of excited today because today Camila and the girls are gonna be performing a song they made called Big Bad Wolf. I was gonna sing with them while they dance and sing the other parts and i'm sure they're gonna win the school's talent show because the song is amazing. Even though they didn't let me see the dance which created lots of suspense so i'm excited to see it.

I got out of bed and got dressed brushed my teeth and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. After I finished eating my food I get to my car and drove to school.

I made my way to my locker where the girls were gonna meet me. I grabbed the books that I needed. By the time I was turning around someone came from behind me and covered my eyes as they whispered:

 "I was waiting for you what took you so long "

 I immediately knew that it was Camila so I turned around. That made her hands uncover my eyes and I leaned in and whispered in her ear.

 " what's wrong with being fashionably late princess?" I quickly kissed her cheek and took a few steps back she was gonna say something but Dinah cut her off 

"lauser are you gonna watch us perform or are you gonna bail last minute ?" 

"of course not I will never cancel last minute Dee but when are y'all are gonna perform exactly ?"

"we're gonna perform last "

 "okay then I'll see you there it's after lunch right?"


The bell rings and we separate and go to class. After a couple of classes it was lunch time I ran down the hall because I was so freaking hungry and I didn't want to wait in line. I entered the room and luckily I was the first person to arrive I took a tray and placed food in it. I went to my usual table and waited for the girls. After a couple of seconds the room was filled with students and i saw the girls coming my way with Jake. I looked at Jake and he was resting his hand on Camila's waist as he pushed her closer to him. 'wtf does he think he's doing cause from what it looks like he's trying to make me his enemy so bad and I may give in to that with the  help of my jealousy' My blood started to boil in my veins. My body tensed up and my muscles clenched. I stabbed the fork in my food pretty harshly it made some girl from the table behind me look at me 

"hey Lauren are you alright?" Ari asks 

"yea sorry just stressed "

 "it's okay by the way, i'm excited to hear you sing in the competition you're gonna kill it"

 "thanks Ari I'm gonna do my best just for you" she blushed. I then proceeded to get up and give her a kiss on the cheek which caused her to blush even harder then before

 "I have to go now my friends are waiting I'll talk to you later ?"

 " yea sure bye"

 I blow her a kiss and go back to my own seat 'two can play the game' I noticed that everyone was already in their usual places but Jake was sitting next to Camila in my place. I got so angry I went to my seat and told him 

"hey sorry but this seat is mine it's already taken can't you see my stuff or do you need some glasses?" I try to not yell at him 

"oh well i'm sorry but can't you sit somewhere else" he tells me

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SEAT NOW OR YOU'LL NEVER GET TO EXPERIENCE TOMORROW!!" I yell at him. I couldn't handle it anymore I mean who the fuck does he think he is. Just because Lucy had to kiss him doesn't mean he's popular now or something? He immediately got up from my seat and ran away.

I sat in my seat and looked up at the girls that were looking at me with wide eyes 

"What the heck Lauren?  What was that? I mean, I know he was a little rude but did you have to yell ?"

 " yes I had to cause he didn't get the message without me yelling at him" 

"dumbass" I mumble to myself 

" Camila do you like him or something ?"I ask her and the girls look at me then her 

" I mean he's cute" my heart shattered to pieces broken from the impact of these five words. I just wanted to runaway from there and cry. But I decided to reply coldly


I think Mani noticed that something was up with me and Dinah too but i couldn't pull myself to care enough after this pain.

 "so are you guys excited to perform i'm sure y'all are gonna win this competition" 

"yeaa i'm excited to perform and sing Big Bad Wolf but i'm so scared to mess up in front of Jake"

 I knew that i couldn't take it anymore hearing her telling us that she liked him. so I just got up from my seat and told them 

"hey guys I have to go i'll see you backstage" Normani and Dinah looked at me worriedly. I just smiled at them and walked away. As i was heading to the bathroom. I saw Jake approaching Camila and sitting next to her. I get in the girls bathroom and wash my face numerous times trying not to cry. As i was getting out of the bathroom I saw Camila kissing Jake. I just lost it. I ran back inside the bathroom and punched the wall again and again until someone stopped me. I looked at the person and it was Mani. I hugged her and cried even more. Seconds later the bell rung, i got off her and told her to go get ready for the performance.

 I washed my face several times to cool down. I headed backstage afterwards to put on the clothes for the show. I walked to the stage and looked at Camila during the whole performance (that's the performance)

Once the competition finished. The girls won, I was ready to leave the school and go cry in my bed. The crowd was screaming, they were all whistling and drooling. I  went back to the backstage room where Jake was waiting for Camila he hugged her and kissed her then said "will you be my girlfriend ?"...

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