A Princess Like You Should Never Cry

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"Don't you think it's too soon? Like I haven't even gotten to know you and we haven't even gone on a date "She says 

"Fuck you Camila, you stupid idiot i would've won 1000$ if you just said yes " I heard him say as I was leaving.

 I turned around and ran towards him, i grabbed him from the collar of his shirt and i lifted him up by his neck choking him. As I said 

"who the fuck do you think you are ?"

 I punched him in the nose and it started bleeding 

" Don't ever talk to her like that you asshole jackass you're trash you're stupid to treat her like that and guess what? You will never get 1000$ in your fucking life. I'm gonna fucking report you and your friends and be warned that if I ever see you looking at her or one of your friends you'll be----" someone pushed me off of him because I wasn't being as in control of my emotions as I should've been. And a broken nose should be enough to teach him a lesson. I looked at who pushed me away and it was Dinah. I looked around the room to see where was Camila but she was nowhere to be found. I turned back to Dinah as she tells me 

" in the bathroom with Mani" 

"okay thx" I tell her. While as I was leaving the room I heard her yell " CAMREN IS REAL BITCHES" 

wth is camren? 

I ran to the bathroom to find Camila sobbing on Ally's shoulder and Mani drawing circles on her back to make her calm down. I smiled sadly and approached them. While I was coming closer to them Mani looked at me and sent me back a sad smile. I look at my hands and they were bloody from Jake's nose. Camila looked up at me her eyes widen as she saw my hands 

"what happened to you are you bleeding ?" she asked worried and i giggled 

"um no it's actually um Jake's blood. Don't say anything he deserved it"


 "shh Camzi he deserved it " 

"t-thank you Lauren thank you so much " i was shocked because she was thanking me

 "you don't have to thank me-"

 She jumped on me and gave me a koala hug that was really tight. I hugged her back. She looked at me  while we locked eyes and she said 

" thank you for always protecting me it means so much to me you're the best Lauren I-I  love you so much 'i couldn't believe what she's saying i was soo happy '  will you be my  'ahhhhh i would love to be your girlfriend cami'  bestie?"

 oh I-I- Did she just best friendzone me? omg she-she asked me to be her best friend i don't want my feelings to fade away I 

"yes of course it'll be my pleasure to be your best friend and I---Love you too" i said

 "oh my god we're officially best friends we should have a sleep over at my place and and "i interrupted her

"Camila are you okay ?"

 "yes now i am so much better than okay i'm amazing i'm i'm-" she begins crying again

 "no no i'm not okay. He doesn't like me. He just flirted with me and was so nice to just to win 1000$. No one likes me cause i'm nobodies type I'm probably not attractive enough, no one will ever love me e-ever " she continued sobbing in my chest I looked at her and put my finger on her chin and lifted her head up so she could look at me "You ARE beautiful everyone loves you and everyone likes you. The only people that don't are dumb and i love you so much " i said

 "you don't understand no one will ever love me like love me as in-"i know what she means and i know Mani knows that i knew but shit that hurt me "oh well trust me someone one day someone will love you maybe someone already loves you like that but you just don't know "

 I look at Mani and her eyes widen I nod 

"WHO! WHO TELL ME WHOO!" I don't respond 

"EXACTLY NO ONE NO ONE LOVES ME !!!" she yells and begins to hit my chest I don't move then I hear her say 

"I hate myself I wanna die "I look at her and immediately grab her arms and push her against the wall 

"listen to me don't ever and I mean ever say that. Or think of doing that, or even think of that do you understand me ? Don't ever hate yourself you're beautiful, amazing, smart and in my eyes you're perfect and if people don't see that. Well, they're missing out on so much okay? You should never ever think of hurting yourself ever okay?" I finished with a tear rolling down my cheek she hugged me and began crying again I hugged her back and told her.

 "A princess like you should never cry because of anyone "and I kissed a tear that was rolling down her beautiful face. I wiped the other tears and told her 

"now wash your face and show the world that no one can ever make you cry and make that asshole beg for you to come back to him. Which will never happen because you deserve someone as nice and kind and amazing as you" I told her and kissed her on the forehead before I left the bathroom to go home.

As I was walking to my car Mani ran to me and told me "we need to talk" 

"talk about what? She likes someone else, then she friend-zoned me and to top that off we're now officially best friends: so i'm just waiting for tomorrow so that my feelings fade away.When I  won't feel so shitty and sad maybe I could date Ari she's cute "

 "you said you loved her " 

" I do I love her. Too bad she only sees me as a friend and my feelings will fade away tomorrow"

"and if they don't?" she says 

"i'm sure they will. it's always  like this Mani "

 "Lauren expect me tomorrow at 7 am"

 " damn why so early ?"

 "cause i wanna see if your feelings will fade away "

"oh trust me they will" I responded.

  I got in  the car, drove home, ate dinner and went to sleep in hopes that my feelings will fade away as soon as i wake up.

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