Feelings Fade

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People change, feelings fade, things go wrong, memories remain but life goes on. I wanted everything to change,but True feelings never fade and mine never did.

 I waited 2 weeks and nothing changed Camila was the one to break my rules. To change my life, to make me happy and sad. She made me feel alive again and I'm in love with her. I love her with all my heart, my soul and my being. Today is the day that I decided to tell Mani that she was right. Then afterwards a new journey starts. This journey's top mission is to try to make Camila love me back. I'm still scared to tell her. I guess you can say that i'm scared of happy. I finally know what camren is, Dinah told me yesterday that it's Camila and I's ship name it's


They told me that to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love.

I wish I could explain her eyes, and how the sound of her voice gives me butterflies.

 How her smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with her, I feel so complete.

 My body literally aches at the thought of never seeing her again.

 I know what I love. I love roses and friends and the stars, the sun and music and when the sky turns pink and yellow but Camila is my favorite thing that I love.  I never knew that love had a sound until i heard her laugh.

 All I've done since the day I met her was dream of her and i hope she dreams of me too. I know what love is because of her. When I started to love her, I realized that I have never loved anyone like this before. They say real love is able to awaken your soul, I never believed in that until I met her.

That was the only thing I could think of these past 2 weeks. Now I'm walking down the hallway making my way to Camila's locker

 "Hello my pink princess! how are you on this lovely day ?" I tell her 

"ooo someone's in a good mood. And i'm great on this lovely day. What about you planet green eyes attack you? it seems like it's pretty good " 

"it was pretty good until i saw you " 

"that's mean" she pouted 

"hey let me finish now it's wonderful"

 "awwww come here Lo i Love you " i chuckle 

"i Love you too Camzi but i gotta go to class. See you and the girls at lunch"

 I walk  to class and wait until lunch time ignoring everything that's going around me. When the time finally came I walked through the halls and went to sit at the girls and i's table, waiting for them. After a couple of minutes of waiting, the girls come out of nowhere with Alessia. They sit and we talk a little then Alessia says 

"what song can you give to describe lauren" camila responds

 "oh uh um your beautiful eyes stare right into mine" mani interrupts her 

"noo twerk twerk twerk like miley" meanwhile i say to camila 

"aww i love youu" i hug her and bring her close

 "i love your eyes " she responds and the butterflies go off in my stomach 

"okay so who's your celebrity crushes mine is Zayn malik " alessia  says. we all  say ours except for camila 

"what about you camz ?" 

"mine is Lauren " i hug her tightly while hearing the others say


My heart was beating so fast and loud. I was sure she could hear it. We talked a little more until Mila accidentally elbowed Mani's apple 

"you did not just throw my apple " Mani says seriously

 "I did though "Camz said


 "oooh" Camila got up picked up, Mani's apple and gave it back to her.

 "GUYS do we all agree that orange is the ugliest color?" 

" yea orange is such an ugly color " I say 

"that's what I wore yesterday screw you screw all of you" camila says 

"that doesn't count you cause looked beautiful " I said as I pout. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"So girls are you gonna come tonight to watch Mani and I's game?"

 "of course Laur did you have to ask that?" 

"no I didn't I just wanted to make sure" I said.

After a couple of hours it was time for the game to begin. As i was making my way to the middle of the field Camila yells my name. I look back at her and she smiles and approaches me and tells me 

" Win for me Planet Green Eyes " 

"of course I'll do anything for you my pink princess "I said and kissed her cheek, then nose and I winked at her before heading towards my teammates that were waiting for me . 

I indeed won the game for her like everything else I'll do for her. 

Once i got home I went and sat on my roof and told the moon about the way she moved and asked her if she tell things to her too.

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