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It's Thrusday! I love Thursdays, I have P.E with the girls and today we have basketball.My two favorite things. Since it's Thursday I'm in Starbucks buying drinks for me and the girls.

"Lauren"i hear the girl call out. I go up to the front desk and take the drinks from the lovely server after handing her the money. I start heading to school while blasting happy by Pharrell Williams.

When i get out of the car i make my way to my locker where the girls and I are supposed to meet.

Suddenly someone hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear 

"Hi Lolo"

 "Hi Camzi" i turn around and kiss her cheek 

"that's your drink" i hand her her drink "

thanks Lolo"

 "anytime Camzi" i was leaning in to kiss her cheek again but I got interrupted by someone clearing their throats.

I look to my right and see Normany, Dinah and Ally 

"oh hey guys these are your drinks" and i hand them all their drinks.

"So what do y'all have first cause I have English with Camzi"

D:"i have physics"

N:"i have Math"

A:"you guys i have history"she says and pouts.

The bell rings and Camila and I go to class.  We sit next to each other. After a couple of minutes, I get bored and I began putting my hand on Camila's seat to stretch. But when I place my hand on her seat it didn't feel like a seat. It felt like something soft. So i looked at my hand and saw that it was resting on Camila's hand. When i was pulling it away, she intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand. I looked up at her and her cheeks were already flushed, i blushed too and then we locked eyes. I sent her a sweet smile and she reciprocated by sending me a warm one.

I pulled our intertwined hands to my lips and kissed her hand. As I was about to put our hands on my thigh Camila was already as red as a tomato I was about to tell her something but the teacher spoke up

 "Lauren what are you doing?"

"Nothing i just dropped my pen and Camila caught it she was just giving it back " 

"Oh okay so" he continued his lesson as I tuned him out.

 I looked at Camila and we chuckled before she decides to kiss my hand. 

I was now the one turning into a tomato.

When i was going to tell her that she looked beautiful the bell cut me off. So I stood up and as she was copying my movements but with her back facing me I decided on spinning her around and whispered in her ear "I wanted to tell you, you looked like a goddess today " I pulled back. She blushed and we separated  to get to our next classes.

After lunch

Finally we have P.E! I make my way to the gym and enter the locker room to change my clothes. Once i finished putting on my sport uniform, the locker room began to fill up I got out of there and went to see the coach.

"Hi coach" 

 "hey Lauren how are you today?"
"I'm great what about you?"

 "I'm okay, thank you for asking" then my classmates came out of the locker room filling up the gym.

"Okay guys today we're going to play some basketball games. I will be choosing 4 captains and they're going to make their own teams. Okay so the first captain is Lauren. The second captain will be Ariana, the third captain is Lucy and the forth captain will be Alessia. Alright so first off Lauren's team. Lauren who do you want in your team?"

"Um i want Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally to be in my team" 

"okay you have 10 minutes to train them"

 From then on I stopped listening and took the girls to a basket 

"So I know you all know how to dribble by now. I just want you to train on your shooting and lay ups right now.  Line up we're gonna do shooting first then lay ups" I tell them. They line up: Dinah first then Normani followed by Ally and finally Camila.

"So everyone's gonna shoot ten times after your tenth time you're gonna go to the end of the line so that the next person can start to shoot. Is that clear?  When we get back to Dinah we're gonna do 5 lay ups per person okay? GO" Dinah shot her first shot. She made it in, so i threw her the ball to do her second try. Dinah and Normani were good at shooting Ally was okay but when it was Camila's turn she was holding the ball wrong. I had to step in, I went up behind her to help her. My front touched her back which caused her to jump a little but I whispered 

"it's me don't worry. You're just holding the ball wrong. let me help you" She shivered and let me adjust her hands and then i told her.

 "let's do this one together okay?"

 "o-okay" she stuttered 

'omg she's soo cute' 

I put my hands over hers and raised our hands with a little bit of force and shot the ball.
It swooshed inside the net. She squealed as she turned around and threw her hands on my shoulder and hugged me. I laughed and kissed her temple. I took the ball and threw it to her

 " now try it alone" 

I have got say that Camila's a really fast learner because she made almost all ten baskets in. When we got to the lay ups nobody needed help, everyone was pretty good so we did some dribbles and some 3 pointers to perfect our game play.

After a couple of minutes the coach told us which 2 teams are going first luckily it was team 2 and team 4. Which means that we will be playing against Lucy and her team......
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Heyy did yall like this chapter?
Hope you did🙃😜

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