That Way

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring.  I remembered everything that happened yesterday so clearly and i might be late for school so i began smiling like an idiot god I love her so much.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed as fast as I could. Not wanting to end up late to school. I went downstairs ate breakfast really quickly, started my car and went to school.

Once I arrived I parked my car and entered the building. I made my way to Camz's locker, I sneaked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her but before I can do anything she turned around and hugged me 

"hi" i whispered while hiding in the crook of her neck

 "hey i thought you weren't coming? what took you so long?"she asked me 

"i don't know. i couldn't wake up i'm sorry for making you wait" 

"it's okay. you don't need to apologize come on let's go to class" 

"okay" we went to our first class which was English.

A couple of boring school hours later it was time to go to lunch. while i was going in the direction of the cafeteria. I was interrupted by an angelic sound that i heard it was a beautiful voice singing. So i followed the voice and it lead me to the music room. I peaked inside to see what happened since the singing stopped briskly. I saw Camila, she was making her way to the piano so i kept watching. what's the harm in that!? Suddenly she began singing again

Run me in circles
Like you always do
Mess with me on purpose
So I'll hang onto you

I know what you mean when you act like that
You don't know it's breaking my heart
Said that it was just never gonna happen
Then almost kissed me in the dark
Every time we talk it just hurts so bad
'Cause I don't even know what we are
I don't even know where to start
But I can play the part

We say we're friends
But I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense
'Cause we're fighting over what we do
And there's no way
That I'll end up being with you
But friends don't look at friends that way
Friends don't look at friends that way

I wonder if she was singing this to Jake

Can't even tell if
I love or hate you more
You've got me addicted
And I can't tell who's keeping score

I can't watch this

I know what you mean when you act like that
But you don't know it's breaking my heart
Said that it was just never gonna happen
Then almost kissed me in the dark
Every time we talk it just hurts so bad
'Cause I don't even know what we are
I don't even know where to start
But I can play the part

but I want to stay ugh i'll stay even though she's singing this to Jake 

We say we're friends
But I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense
'Cause we're fighting over what we do
And there's no way
That I'll end up being with you
But friends don't look at friends that way

a tear rolls down my cheek

Friends don't look at friends that way
Friends don't look at friends that way
Friends don't look at friends that way, mmh hey

why? why is he that lucky ?

We say we're friends
But I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense
'Cause we're fighting over what we do
And there's no way
That I'll end up being with you
But friends don't look at friends that way
Friends don't look at friends that way.

As soon as the song ends i ran to the bathroom to calm down. I washed my face with cold water when suddenly the door opens 

"LAUREN where were you I was looking everywhere for you"Mani practically yells at me 

" I was here damn can't I use the bathroom?" 

" I mean you can sorry i didn't l mean to yell" 

"it's okay but why were you looking for me?" 

" I just wanted to tell you that practice begins earlier today" 

"okay thx Mani now come on let's go eat ".

After lunch and practice it was time for the game I was so excited for the game and the cheerleader's performance.

We made our way to the court to greet the other team. I can't wait to see them lose. after greeting them we had a little time before they throw the ball up in the air and the start of the game so I made my way to the cheerleaders to see their captain and yes their captain is Camila.

"Camila hey i wanted to wish you good luck for the performance" I say and hug her 

" Loloo break a leg and don't forget to win this for me "she whispers 

" anything for you princess" I kissed her cheek

 " I have to go or else they're gonna begin the game without me"

 "okay by lo I'll be cheering you on "

 " Thank you bye camzi"

So i stuck by my promise and won the game like every time. Now we're waiting for the special performance from the cheerleaders. All of a sudden the lights went out meaning that the performance was beginning.

Then the lights went back on and Beyonce's formation began, the cheerleaders started dancing in slow motion then they sped up and slowed down with the beat of the song .  Which i think was dope. It was all amazing until they began forming a pyramid. Everybody was cheering them  but I had a bad feeling about it when Camila reached the top everybody began clapping. I was clapping too  until I saw one of the cheerleaders that was supporting Camila struggle. I immediately stood up and ran towards the pyramid everybody was confused but then Camila fell and they began shouting and screaming. I looked up once I thought I was under her I stretched my arms out hoping she will land on them and immediately closed my eyes. In a matter of a second, I felt weight dropping in my hands and I immediately tightened my grip. As i did it I heard the crowd screaming and cheering so I opened my eyes and looked at what landed in my arms. And there was a scared Camila keeping her eyes closed shut waiting to feel the impact of falling on the ground. Once I saw her I sighed and I thought of the crowd that is probably thinking that Camila falling was  done on purpose but it sure as hell wasn't. After a few seconds, Camila opened her eyes and looked at me and I instantly leaned in and kissed her. I kissed her like it was the last time I would ever see her. I kissed her like she was the air that  I needed to breathe. I kissed her so passionately to show her how much i love her. And she kissed me back. It was the best kiss I've ever had, it's the most amazing kiss i'll ever have, her lips were so soft and she was kissing me back with the same passion. This kiss wasn't the best just because her lips are soft but because this kiss was me telling her that i loved her and that i couldn't live without her, that i was in love with her, that she broke my rules. I didn't want to end it but i had to because air was needed.

After we separated I looked into her eyes and said

 " Camila, I am in love with you. I love you so much and i can't live without you" 

"Lauren, I love you too"

 It felt like fireworks exploding in my stomach. I was speechless so I kissed her again. After the kiss broke apart i told her 

"Camila, will you do me the honors of  being my girlfriend?" while staring into her brown orbs

 " yes yes and yes" she said while laughing "

 I love you so much Camzi" I said while crying happy tears and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.



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