The Sleepover (part 1)

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Ughhhh I hate history class it's the most BORING class ever so I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Camila.

To: camzi😘💘
Camzzz history is so boring. Entertain me plz

I have some good news Lolo

🙃what are they

I can come to the sleepover!
But you have to drop me home first
To get some clothes

Okay that's great! I can't wait! bye ❤

I went back to listening to the teacher. 20 minutes later the bell rang. I was finally saved from history class. I rushed down the hall to my locker, I took my stuff and went to my car i waited for Camila but she didn't come. 

I left the car and went inside the school  building searching for Camila but I couldn't find her.

 I started calling out her name and suddenly heard a scream coming from the bathrooms.

 I ran to the bathroom to see Austin trying to undress Camila. No no no no no he was trying to fucking rape her . I ran towards him and grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

 I started punching him until I saw a black eye starting to form and probably also a broken nose :

I grabbed him from his collar and told him

" If you ever come near her again I promise a black eye would be the least of your worries. Don't you ever come near her again "

 With that i released my grip of him which caused him to fall to the floor crying and holding his nose 'what a pussy' I thought.

 I rushed to Camila and saw her sobbing.

 I lifted her up and took her to my car. I hugged her tight and tried to make her calm down.

 I whispered to her that everything will be alright and that I'll never let him come near her again. She hugged me back and cried on my shoulder for 30 minutes. 

Once she stopped crying I kissed her cheek and started the car. I took her home and asked her if she was still willing to come to the sleepover. She said yes, when she took all her stuff I asked her

 "do you want me to call Ally and Dinah to come to my house ?" 

"Yes but I don't want them to have a sleepover with us. No offense but I want to be alone a little with you before we go to sleep" i nodded understandingly. 

Once we arrived to my house I asked her for Ally and Dinah's numbers and we called them to invite them to hang out with us.

 When they came they asked if we could invite Normani so we did.

 Once Mani arrived they all went to the living room to watch Netflix but I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

 They were having some problems to choose a movie. When the popcorn was done I came back in the living room and asked 

"so what are we watching?"


So how was this chapter? Was it good? or nah? 🙃

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