The weekend

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I woke up from the sun light that's shining on my face. I tried to move but felt someone next to me, suddenly i remembered yesterday. I smiled at the memories. I tried to stretch but i couldn't, so i just laid down while looking at Camila's peaceful sleeping face. I chuckled to myself and tried to escape from her hold but she woke up.

"Good morning Camz" I moved closer to her and kissed her cheek, suddenly her brown orbs came in vision and she said

 "Good morning lolo" i smiled at her and escaped from her hold.

 I got dressed and went in the bathroom. Once I got out I saw Camila sitting on my bed looking through her phone. I tip toed to her and placed covered her eyes and lips with the palms of my hands. She tried to scream but I released my hands and hugged her 

"got you princess" she hits my hand

 "not funny Lo you gave me a heart attack"

 " i'm sowwy camzii"

 "don't ever do that again promise me"

" I promise, I'm sorry"

 " Apology accepted" I sit next to her and kiss her cheek 

"sooo what do you wanna do today?" I asked her 

"umm I don't know you choose you can take me anywhere"

 "anywhere? Are you sure?"


"even a strip club?" She blushes and hits my hand 

"noo anything but that " we laugh together for a little while then we go down to the living room. "soo can I invite normani over ?" 

"Yes of course" i take out my phone and text Mani

To: Manibear💗💝
Hey Mani do you
wanna come over ?

From: Manibear💗💝
Yea i'm on my way

Five minutes later I hear a knock on my door, I open it and there's Mani 

"Maniii! sooo, today we're gonna go to the mall to buy some new clothes cause my clothes is big on me"

"Wait wait what?Did you just say my clothes is big on me?"


"Omg Camila the grammar queen just lost her crown did you hear what she said?!" 

"Yea i did" 

"What are you guys talking about?"

"It's clothes are big on me not clothes is big on me "

"No it's clothes is big on me it's like a family "

"Nope it's clothes are big on me"

"You know what let me look it up"

"Let me look it up faster"

"It's clothes is big on me it's from"

"You guys can kiss my butt"

"No you can kiss my butt"

"It says clothes cannot be is it says it's impossible " I say

"Wait what what? Exactly"

"Oh uh it's okay to be wrong sometimes" I accept in defeat.

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