Staring Contest

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I woke up from my alarm going off and my annoying sister screaming at the top of her lungs "LAUREN WAKE UPPP WE'RE GONNA BE LAAAAATE" 

I groaned and got up to get dressed then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"hi mom"

 "hey sweetie" 

"hallo dad" 

"hi kiddo how was your first day of school ?" 

"It was good I met this girl named Camila she's really pretty and her friends Ally and Dinah are really nice " I said 

"how was class?" 

"It was okay by the way Camila's in my English class" 

"mmm you look really excited for today" 

"yea I've never been this excited to go to school bye mom and bye dad".

I left the house and entered my car I put on Lana Del Rey's new album and listened to it.

Once I arrived at school II went to my locker where Normani was waiting for me. We chatted about my little crush on Camila until Lucy came.

 "hi Lo"she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"hey Luce"

"so i was thinking---the bell rang and cut her off. Then we went to our classes i had physics i didn't hate it but it was BORING.

When i entered the classroom I sat at the back of the room alone. I didn't notice Camila was in this class until the teacher asked her to change her seat with Austin. 

Ugh i hate this guy he was staring at her like he has never seen a girl in his life and ughh she's too innocent i want him to backk off!

I looked at her and she met my gaze.

 Chocolate melted brown eyes met piercing green eyes.

 We started a little staring contest until I got mesmerized by her eyes and shifted them to her beautiful pink lips. Luckily for me she didn't notice the change and she just smiled and turned back towards the teacher. So I technically won because she didn't notice my shifting gaze.

When the bell rang, It was lunch break. The moment I've been waiting for this whole day.

 I hurried to find Camila and asked her just to make sure "so do you still want to spend lunch with me?"


She popped the 'p' and when we got to her table we sat down and started playing 20 questions... When it was my 19th question I asked her 

"sooo who's your favorite singer?"

she answered "it's either Ed Sheeran or Lana Del Rey i can't decide what about you?" 

"OH MY-  Lana alllll the way" I high fived her and asked her my last question 

"umm would you like to have a sleepover tonight? It will mean so much to me. My parents come home really late like at 2am and i  can't stand my siblings. Please it will be a blessing please" I pouted

 "Aw I really want to but I have to ask my mom first. You can give me your number and I'll text you if I can"she winked and i blushed 

"okay here's my number" 

We exchanged phone numbers and the bell rang so we went back to class unfortunately we don't have history together.


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