I can get used to this

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I woke up the next morning  very excited for tomorrow. Since we have a basketball game and the cheerleaders have a special performance for us and guess who's a cheerleader? Camila.

 Yes the girl of my dreams, my crush, my best friend, the girl i'm in love with and the girl that broke my rules.

 I got dressed and head downstairs i ate my breakfast with my family and quickly made my way to school I was pretty famous. I was the best basketball player in school. Every teacher loved me and every student secretly had a crush on me. You might think i'm lying but i'm telling you the truth like even Mani had a crush on me! 

Ari does too I wanted to date her but we all know that I like Camila too much to date someone. Lucy and I were only dating to make her jealous and I don't think we succeeded in doing that but at least she broke up with Jake.

 I made my way to my locker after entering the school and turns out Lucy told everyone that i broke up with her. Because suddenly veronica comes out of nowhere slaps me and starts telling me how much of a jerk I am. I let her punch me several times until Lucy came over and made her stop. I'm sure now that vero has a crush on luce. VERCY IS REAL BITCHES!!! 

"LAUREN are you okay? i'm sorry I didn't know that Vero would do that"Lucy says out of nowhere 

"I'm okay. I'm actually amazing right now and i'll tell you why later i got to go byee"

 I take my stuff from my locker and made my way to class I had English with Camila. I entered the class and sat next to Mila .


 "hey are you okay? I saw what happened between you and Vero " 

" yea i'm okay. In fact i'm really good do you wanna know why?" 


 " Because Vero likes Lucy and I was a Vercy shipper since day one" 

"wait what ? aren't you like sad or jealous that she likes her ? I mean I know you two broke up and all but are you that good at moving on" 

"well no i'm not sad or jealous. I'm happy. I'm happy that there's someone that loves Lucy cause she deserves to be loved"i said

 "aww you're such a good friend" 

"best friend camz " she rolls her eyes

 "okay best friend" 

"Lauren can you please stop talking " the teacher said

 "yes  okay I'm sorry "i said then i whispered "in your dreams"

 I think Camila heard me cause she giggled. Ugh i can't describe how much i love that giggle. It's so freaking cute.

After a couple of hours it was lunch time! yay my favorite time of the day.  Because after lunch I usually have basketball training and we have to share the space with the cheerleaders so that means more time with camz. I made my way to our table with my tray and I sat down next to Dee but then camz and Dinah changed seats with each other so now i'm sitting next to camzi we begin to chat and then i ask 

" so are you gonna tell me about the special performance ?" 

"nope you'll see tomorrow "

 "okay then you leave me no choice but to look at you while training " 

She jumps on me and says "no noo it's a surprise please don't look pleasee" she pouts and begins peppering kisses on my face

 "okay okayy i won't! You know I can't resist you when you pout. You look so cute" i tell her while pinching her cheeks 

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