The Sleepover (part 2)

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"So we decided to watch orange is the new black cause that gay shit is awesome but Ally doesn't want to watch it if we're not gonna skip the sm*t" Dinah practically screamed 

"Okay so we're gonna skip 'em but we can watch the make out scenes" 

"okay I accept let's start" Ally says

After a lot of episodes we came to the conclusion that we should just stop watching.

"So what game should we play? Spin the bottle or Truth or Dare?" Normani asked

 "obviously Truth or Dare" 

"okay so who goes first?" 


"okay okay" Camila spun the bottle and it landed on me "Truth or Dare lolo"

 "mmm Truth"

 "have you ever had a crush on a girl?" 

Well duh but she doesn't know so 

"umm yea i turn! " I spun it and it landed on Dinah 

"Truth or Dare?" 


"okay I dare you to kiss Normani "

 "okay" she got up and went  to Normani she pecked her lips quickly

 "okay now it's my turn" Dinah spun the bottle and it landed on me sadly 

"Truth or Dare" 

"dare "

 "hehehe now I get to have my revenge! Okay so i dare you to have a full on make out session with Camila" my face lost its expressions 

"No no way she hasn't even had her first kiss yet!! Well actually I don't know, did you have your first kiss Camzi?" 

"Yea i did but"

 "can we just peck lips Dinah it's too much" 

"okay okay Lauren just a peck" I smiled and came close to Camila.

 I sat next to her and leaned in, in an instant our lips met even though it lasted a second her lips were so soft and got me addicted to them. When I pulled away, I opened my eyes and saw that she was blushing, I winked at her and sat down in my previous place and spun the bottle again.

This time it landed on Ally 

"Truth or Dare?" 


 "are you sure?"


 "get down on your knees and give me 50 push ups" I said

 "whyyyyy meee! ughh okay " she did the 50 push ups and then a couple of minutes passed and they decided to leave.

 I was left with Camila "so what did you want to tell me ?"

 "I wanted to thank you and I don't know how I could repay you. You saved my life and i just wanted to-" I cut her off by hugging her tight 

"I promise you nothing will ever happen to you if i'm living in this world. You don't need to thank me, I just want to protect you" she hugged me back and i kissed her temple 

"sooo do you wanna cuddle and sleep?"

 "Yea" she smiled to me, i smiled back.



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