Chapter 1

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"GO GO!!" Yeonjun yelled and pushed Taehyun and Beomgyu out the window of the second story floor they were on. "YEONJUN!!" beomgyu reached for his hand as they fell and managed to pull him along. Taehyun let out a loud gasp when the three of them fell into the water. Taehyun was the first to come up and help yeonjun and Beomgyu swim to the gate. "GUYS HERE!" soobin waved his hand, the other holding a bag of what they assumed was the food supply he was supposed to get.
Yeonjun helped Taehyun lift beomgyu from the water and they met with soobin trying to break the gates lock. "SHIT THE GUARDS HURRY!!" Yeonjun dented a giant hole in the fence, which was dangerous because he hadnt drank blood today and using too much strength would hurt.
"Yeonj-" Taehyun tried but yeonjun hushed him and they started filing out the gates hole one by one. "SOOBIN I KNOW YOU DONT LIKE RUNNING BUT RIGHT NOW SEEMS LIKE THE RIGHT TIME TO RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN DONT YOU?!!!" Beomgyu yelled back, at Soobin, who was trying to keep up.
"IM TRYING SHUT UP AND RUN!!" Soobin panted. Once they pulled their hoods up, they all ran as fast as they could from the vampire guards chasing them. "They won't follow in the sun....were safe." Yeonjun caught his breath with the others once they reached the place they had tried so hard to get to, the humans world.

"Honey it's dark, make sure to come back quick alright?" Hueningkais mom was concerned after asking her son to go pick up some milk at the store down the street. "I'll be back soon mom, stop worrying i won't get killed by a monster jeez." Hueningkai finished tying his shoes and headed out the door. He pulled his bike from the rack and started peddaling towards the corner store.

" Your mom ran out of milk again huh?" The cashier noticed hueningkais familiar face. "Yep! Like always." Kai laughed and set the milk on the counter. "Hey...Kai you should be careful going home I hear theres an assailant going around." The cashier took the money and bagged the milk, handing Kai his milk and his receipt. "I will, thanks for telling me!!" Hueningkai waved to the woman and put his bag around his bike handles, peddaling home.

He slammed on his brake when he saw a woman run in front of him from the alley. She was frantically pointing and crying, with blood coming down her neck. "T-t-theres they-!!!" The woman tried but with one more look back to the alley she came from, she ran. Hueningkai turned to see what had caused her panick and bleeding and immediately regretted it. There was a man with blood running down his face, blue hair, and looking straight at him. Was it the assailant??!
Hueningkai quickly started to push on his pedals but was stopped by a strong hand bending his bike frame. "WAIT! PLEASE!" it wasnt the blue haired man. This was a new, TALL man, with blood down his mouth as well. Hueningkai fell from his bike and started crawling away.
He saw the blue man's eyes turn red, then when the streetlight went out he saw two- no FOUR sets of red eyes. He bolted, he grabbed the milk and ran for his life towards his house. Leaving the red eyes people behind along with his now broken bike, HOW CAN SOMEONE BEND A BIKE WITH THEIR BARE HAND?!!

"sweetie? Is that you?" Kai heard his mother's voice from the kitchen. He remembered what he left for, set the milk on the counter, and went up to his room without another word.

A tap at his window. Two taps. Knocking. Hueningkai got up, thinking it was the annoying tree branch that the wind had been blowing yesterday as well.
He froze when he saw the red eyes man with black hair right there, holding his now NOT broken bike with a shy smile. He closed the curtains. "I'm dreaming, this is a bad dream, there's no way a man with red eyes, is sitting on the two story tall tree holding my bike smiling at me...." He opened the curtains again to reveal a slightly sadder looking version of the boy he saw before, he looked like a sad puppy offering an apology.
Hueningkai waited a few seconds, making eye contact with the stranger. If he was going to hurt him, he wouldn't have fixed his bike. Right? Hueningkai slowly slide the window open. "Who are you, why did you follow me, why did you have blood on you, why were you able to break my bike then fix it, and HOW DID YOU GET ON THE SECOND STORY TREE??" the stranger flinched at hueningkais sudden loud talking.
"H-hi I'm ...uh..I'm Soobin, I wanted to apologize....I promise I'm not bad person! I just want to explain to you! Yes?" The stranger now known as soobin pleaded. Hueningkai relaxed when the stranger spoke softly and apologetically. "Go- 5 minutes!" Hueningkai picked up a phone and dialed 911 lingering his finger over the call button as a warning to not try anything.
Soobin sprang up and slowly came inside setting his bike down gently and raising his hands as surrender. "You won't believe this...and I know we don't know eachother, but we need your help...please.." soobin said, voice shaking.
Now that Hueningkai looked closely at him, his clothes were dirty, a bit torn, the boy looked sad even..."we?" Hueningkai asked, and turned to see the motion in the corner of his eye. He was about to panick at the three other strangers coming in but they raised their hands like soobin and looked scared and just as poor.
Hueningkai made the '911' on his phone very visible. "Please, wait don't ....were sick and we need a place to stay...we won't harm you..soobin fixed your bike to apologize.." the shorter one with brown hair said. "I'm Taehyun" he then followed up with and started pointing to the others "beomgyu" he gestured to the blonde slumping on him. "Yeonjun" he pointed to the blue haired one. " And you know soobin."
Soobin slowly offered his fixed bike forward for Hueningkai to examine. Hueningkai took a good look, it was fixed. The four boys looked to Hueningkai like they were puppies waiting to see if they did a good job bringing back a ball. "were vampires." Taehyun suddenly said.
Hueningkai paused and stared for a few moments. "You're-youre what?" He was baffled. "We're vampires." Soobin said with his head lowered. A few seconds of silence passed ...
"You're lying."
"We're not."
"Prove it."

Hueningkai pointed to soobin to 'prove it' as he had asked. Soobin slowly stepped forward and opened his mouth, exposing his fangs and his eyes started glowing a vibrant red. Hueningkai smiled.
"Is he ... smiling?" Beomgyu suddenly said in a soft voice, he was weak. "I told you! Humans like offerings!" Yeonjun gently smacked Taehyuns arm proving him right. The bike had been his idea of an 'offering'.
"Holy crap!" Hueningkai grabbed soobins cheeks and examined his teeth. "You really are!!" He continued smiling excited. This was not the reaction the vampires expected.
"You- aren't scared??" Yeonjun said as he saw a very now touchy Hueningkai examining soobin head to toe. "No way!!I've read about vampires and magical creatures my whole life!! And they're real??! That freaking amazing!!!" Hueningkai squealed and Soobin stopped him when he tried to lift soobins shirt.
"NOTHINGS DIFFERENT THERE." Soobin yelped as he held his clothes on. Hueningkai stopped. "Sorry excited."

"Why do VAMPIRES need help??" Hueningkai suddenly asked, catching Taehyuns attention.

"Well....." Taehyun lifted beomgyu gently.

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