Chapter 7

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      "Is blood that scary? I thought vampires loved blood?" Hueningkai looked to soobin, holding the covers over them hoping beomgyu wouldn't hear.
     "It's a good, medicine, yes. But vampires crave it, even if they don't want to, their body forces us too. It's called bloodLUST for a reason Kai..but don't worry we would never hurt anyone, I hope that one day vampires can just live with humans. Together, maybe even love eachother. It wouldn't be bad, love bites from vampires wouldn't hurt, there could be laws to not kill eachother of course I don't know why we must hide, humans aren't at all what they told us they were like." Soobin looked to Kai's eyes. Nothing like what we were taught...
     "I can hear you two, it's not a secret you know. I'm not ashamed to be a virgin vampire." Beomgyu pulled the sheet off them and stuck his tongue out.
     "Think of it this way Kai, we're basically cannibals that live forever off of blood. Can you imagine eating one of your friends warm blood from their living body..." Beomgyu gagged just saying it.
     Kai shivered. It sounds disgusting put that way. "Yahh you make us sound gross, it tastes good if you tried it you would be healthy. We eat to live, just like anything else." Soobin defended himself. He was kind of a binge eater like yeonjun.
     "Easy for you to say you can't even remember being human you can't empathize with the feeling of getting your blood drained." Beomgyu shook his hands before soobin could reply. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT NO MORE BLOOD TALK MOVING ON." he looked to Hueningkai as soobin got up to go to the bathroom.
     "Speaking of you haven't eaten today, eat human food." Beomgyu put his hands on his waist like a mom. "I'll eat later I don't want to get out of bed it's freezing and Taehyun is probably fuming outside of that door. I choose life thanks." Hueningkai covered up with the blankets again.
      Beomgyus tssked and pulled them off. "wanna know a rumor i heard?" Beomgyus mischevious side started oozing from him with a smile. Hueningkai was interested. A vampire rumor? Oh yeah. He leaned in to beomgyus whisper.
      "What are you two talking about?" Soobin was out of the restroom now. "Ask Kai, im going to go save yeonjun from taehyun, I'm alright it was just yeonjun messing with me." Beomgyu gave a smile and nod to Hueningkai, and left the room.
      "So what were you two talking about?" Soobin sat back on the bed. Hueningkai gestured for him to come closer so he could whisper. Soobin did. Only to have his mouth held open suddenly.
   "Aa-ah hoonnkeeii staahb taht yah yah!" Soobin struggled to speak with kais fingers holding his cheeks open.
     "Can you really make your fangs longer???!" Kai wanted to see. Beomgyu had told him that vampires can make their teeth longer and he was intrigued.
    "Wahh your face stretches really well soobin what treatment do you use?" Hueningkai pulled on poor soobins cheeks, thinking it was cute.
     Soobin gripped hueningkais wrist and pulled his hands away. "Yah I could've bit your fingers! You could've just asked you're like gum jeez!" Soobin massaged his cheeks sulking.
      "I'm sorry I got excited...i can kiss it better?" Hueningkai laughed, joking. Soobin leaned in and put his cheek to Kai's face.
    "What are you doing?" Kai leaned back at the proximity. "You said you would kiss it better. Go ahead." Soobin expected the human to heal his cheek patiently.
     "It-it wont ACTUALLY heal it, it's a thing humans say...sorry I forgot you probably didn't know.." Kai rubbed his neck feeling embarrassed.
      "Well whats a kiss if it doesn't heal anything?"
        Beomgyu eavesdropped on the conversation and giggled, pressing his ear against the door. Taehyun saw him looking creepy and decided to go up behind him, silently. Taehyun was so close to him. He could smell beomgyus scent so strongly from the nape of his neck. Taehyun got too close, his lips and nose brushed against beomgyus skin. Man....when would ever be a good time to ask beomgyu...
      Taehyun took a glimpse of something he so secretly desired. Just a little peck and I can say there was a bug on him or something....just one li- Taehyuns thoughts were interupted by beomgyu turning around. He quickly retreated.
      "Beomgyu! Hey, what are you eavesdropp-" Taehyuns heart sped when beomgyus hand covered his mouth. "Shh Hueningkai is telling Soobin what a kiss is. You know he didn't read any human book at the castle tae, listen it's so cuteee." Beomgyu whispered.
     Taehyun leaned his ear to the door to listen to this 'kiss talk'.
      "Yeah, sort of like a bite i guess but you just-" Hueningkai kissed his own hand to show soobin. "See? No teeth, it basically means you love someone." Hueningkai explained to the very shy looking vampire In front of him.
    "Oh, sorry i-i didnt know it was romantic you don't have to kiss it better then!" Soobin covered his already far healed cheek.
     "Theres a lot of types of kisses but it's a bit uh- embarrassing you know for a human- cause." They were both suddenly shy at the topic.
     Yeonjun, in a storm of sudden noise and excitement, scared all four of the boys bardging into the bedroom and knocking beomgyu and Taehyun down on his way.
     "Oh- whoops- my bad. I bring food for all!" Yeonjun sat a tray of supplements, chicken, and what looked like it was supposed to be a sandwich.
       Beomgyu helped Taehyun to his feet and took a supplement as his breakfast. Taehyun took chicken, and frowned seeing beomgyu once again, weaken himself.
     Yeonjun ripped into the chicken like a starving wolf and smiled when soobin took chicken and Kai took the 'sandwich'.
     "Hyung...i appreciate your work but- ...what is this?" Hueningkai held up the soggy object of a sandwich.
      "Oh! I looked up popular human foods and saw ingredients for sandwiches! That's a PB&Turkey&mayo&tomato sandwich!" The blue haired vampire beamed. He looked proud of himself.
     Hueningkai gulped and examined the sandwich. "Ah just looks- to good to eat!" Hueningkai forced a smile and set it down. "I guess I'll have to save it for lunch!"
     Yeonjun was confused but happy that Hueningkai liked it. "Ill look up more to repay you for letting us stay here." Yeonjun smiled.
    "SHH." Hueningkai suddenly ran to the opening bedroom door to close it.

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