Chapter 4

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      "grab my hand." Taehyun was pissed by this point. "Taehyun i-i can't you know that it-its." Beomgyu was shivering looking up at the blood on Taehyuns hand.
        "BEOMGYU IF YOU DONT GRAB IT RIGHT NOW WERE GOING TO BE CAUGHT!!" Taehyun was whisper shouting ag beomgyu.
      Taehyun reached down the wall for beomgyu again. Beomgyu, holding the bag full of supplement, stared in between Taehyuns bloody hand above him, and the approaching footsteps of guards.
     Beomgyu looked up to Taehyun with a frightened expression and gulped. "I'm sorry." Beomgyu threw the bag up to Taehyun and started bolting down the bricked street of the courtyard.
     "BEO-" Taehyun had caught the bag but had to watch as two guards chased beomgyu. He couldn't yell or he would also be caught. 
     The two had gone back to the castle for supplement, they couldn't just feast on every human they saw, and Beomgyu wouldn't eat anything. Besides, scouting to see if they're still out for the four of them seemed reasonable. Taehyun had been attacked by a guard and got his blood on his beomgyu wouldn't touch him.
     " ITS THE VIRGIN VAMPIRE GET HIM HE WENT LEFT!!" Taehyun heard one of the guards say. Taehyun growled in frustration and tied the bag around him. "Beomgyu....don't get caught." Taehyun silently trailed on the castle wall, following where beomgyu was fleeing to.
      Beomgyus heart was racing. He couldn't have grabbed Taehyuns hand...not with the ...-he couldn't say the word- on he ran. But he couldn't be caught either.
      Beomgyu couldn't climb walls because he hadn't drank blood before deeming him a 'virgin vampire'. He was very fast though, blood or not.
      Beomgyu pushed one of the water barrels over to throw some space between him and the guards. He leaped over carts and climbed on top of a stand. Grabbing onto a high clothes line and cutting it with his fangs.
      Taehyun couldn't believe the sight he was seeing. A virgin vampire was completely outmaneuvering the castle guards. Taehyun took in the sight of beomgyu practically flying over the wall.
      Taehyun was so entranced be nearly forgot to escape himself, of course all he had to do was leap over the wall, but nonetheless.

     Taehyun jumped off the wall into the moat and swam to beomgyu, who was waiting on the other side. "See I can hold my own. Without blood." Beomgyu smiled proudly, but his body said otherwise. He was malnourished and spent a lot of energy.
     "Hey hey..get on my back." Taehyun caught beomgyu before he wobbled over and fell. "No..just. you carry the supplements..." Beomgyus words said different than his arms, clinging onto Taehyuns shoulders to keep him standing.
     Taehyun lowered him tk the ground. "Here. Have some." Taehyun broke one of the supplements sticks, allowing it's healing nectar to seep out. Beomgyu was laying now. Admitting he was too weak to move without it, he opened his mouth.
       "Slow down." Taehyun gently pulled the supplement away from beomgyus mouth so he could swallow. "Are you alright?" Taehyun stood and helped beomgyu back up. "Yeah. Let's go back to the others."
      "so...these supplement things will keep you going without killing people?" Hueningkai was excited for the good news. "Yes, for a while but they're no replacement for blood, a vampire will eventually die without blood. Even on supplements." Yeonjun was waiting at the window for the others to return.
      "Jun...they'll be here soon just hold it in ok?" Soobin was toying around with the trinkets on hueningkais desk. Yeonjun clenched his teeth and fists, he was so hungry...
      "YAHHHH NOOO" Hueningkai pulled soobins hand away from the pencil sharpener. "You'll cut yourself that's bad. Not safe." Hueningkai put his arms in an x.
     "Bad. Not safe." Soobin repeated. Looking at the pencil sharpener. "Do you not have these where you're from?" Hueningkai smiled at soobins cute curiosity.
       " ...were never allowed to leave the castle. Only the elders. Were taught that humans are dangerous." Soobin rubbed his neck a bit embarrassed for revealing things.
      " Really? am I dangerous?" Hueningkai smiled and raised his fists play fighting. Soobin just smiled and blocked." I have only known you a short while! I cannot guess!" Soobin grabbed a pillow to block hueningkais attacks.
      Humans are fun. Soobin thought. He had been on the run, but had seen so many human things that were fun. He fist/pillow fought with Hueningkai until he accidentally pushed him against the wall.
      Hueningkai looked shocked at the sudden strength, but laughed. "I guess you win." Hueningkai lowered his fists in defeat.
     He smells good...soobin was too close to the boys neck. He felt his whole body acheing for just one bite.
     "Sorry...i didn't mean to push so hard." Soobin backed up from Kai and managed to contain himself.
    "We're back!" A familiar voice came through the window. Beomgyu.

      Yeonjun didnt waste any time with opening the bag and eating about five supplements. "YAH! NOT SO MANY WERE NOT GOING BACK FOR A WHILE!" Taehyun snatched the bag back and gave a supplement to soobin.
     Hueningkai watched as the vampires drank from the strange sticks. They looked healthier afterward. Could they really not go a day without food?
      Soobin noticed hueningkai staring and turned red. He thought he was staring because he was a messy eater...
     "Could I ever see your home?" Hueningkais words made all the vampires go cold.

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