The date💑

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Muhammad POV
"Mama is it necessary to go on a date" I said.
My mom smiled and said " yes habibi so that u two can get along and know each other better"
She continued "and also you two are not going alone her sisters are also accompanying you so there is nothing wrong with that"
"Ok mama" I replied
" so go and get ready my son" she said as she pushed me to my bedroom.
I smile and went to the bathroom to refreshen up and I walked into the closet to get ready.

 I smile and went to the bathroom to refreshen up and I walked into the closet to get ready

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Mohammad outfit ☝🏻

Amina POV
For the past 2 hours I'm still nervous because ammi told me about Mohammad arrival for our so called date. But I feel relieved because my sisters are also coming along with us. I didn't even know which outfit to wear , I'm so nervous. Aisha came to my room and said
" hi fav sis" I looked at her and smiled. She said
" darling sis I'm here to help u find an outfit for ur love" she smirk
I just smiled at her and she proceed to the closet.
"Darling sis try dis out u will look beautiful in it" she brought out a maroon designer gown. It's so beautiful Masha Allah.

I heard ammi calling us "wai Baku shirya ba" as she approach our room

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I heard ammi calling us "wai Baku shirya ba" as she approach our room. " mama mun shirya" aysha replied.
I saw my ammi smiling and said
" Masha Allah habibti ur looking beautiful may no one cast an evil eye on u" as she pecked me on my forehead and i smiled.
"Go hurry he's waiting, he's at the parlor" she said as I felt my heart skipped a beat.
And she left to meet him.

As we approach the living room I could feel his gaze on me as aysha push me by her shoulder saying "wow Masha Allah sis, he's already in love with your outfit" her words made me blush as I could feel my cheeks reddish.
I raised my head to have a glance at him as I got lost looking at him. He looks handsome In his royal blue outfit.

Aysha cleared her throat as she snapped me out of my thought making me to blush even harder.
"Ina yini" I greeted him
After some couple of seconds he replied
"Lfy kalau"
Aysha called salma and khajida as we bid goodbye to ammi and left.
As we approach a black Mercedes Benz 2018. He open the front sit for me to get in as a gentle man and I swear I could see him smirking at me. As I heard my sisters chuckling.
He droved to an ice-cream parlour. How did he know I love ice cream a lot? I asked my self. He parked and we all got in.
My sister sat on a table opposite us as we sat down waiting for the waiter or waitress.
After some minutes, is time to order. He looked at me waiting for me to order first .
I ordered a vanilla ice cream sundae with sauce wafer, sweet cherry and mint

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