Honeymoon trip ✈️

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Amina POV
I woke up by the call of adhan, i rushes to the bathroom to perform ablution and I laid the namaz to pray .
After I'm done I went to take some shower as I walked into the closet to select my dress.
I wore a black material with moron touches as I sprayed my same with my favorite perfume ôud as I applied a light makeup on my face as I was about to drag my trowel he came into my room.

 I wore a black material with moron touches as I sprayed my same with my favorite perfume ôud as I applied a light makeup on my face as I was about to drag my trowel he came into my room

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"Let's get going we are running late" he said as he drag my trowel along with him.
We walked downstairs as he was giving instructions to the maid and aunty maimuna as he signaled me to follow him .
I hugged aunty maimuna as I'm gonna miss her so much as we bid each other goodbye.
We walked to where his white range rover was parked as we all sit at the back seat as to which the driver is in the driver seat.

We walked to where his white range rover was parked as we all sit at the back seat as to which the driver is in the driver seat

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As the driver drove away, we are stopping at Kano to where we will take a flight.
The ride was fast as the driver was driving fast , after some hours we arrived at Kano as we will be resting for a day and we will continue the journey the next day.
We stopped at a five star hotel at Kano, i waited as he walked to the receptionist to book us a room.
We went to find our room as he was still holding my trowel, as we stood at a door entrance he opened the door as we step in, the room is very big as it was only a parlor and a bedroom.
He kept the trowel aside as walked in and sit on one of the small couches in the room.
I sighs as I walked into the room and sit also in one of the couches.
"You should change into something comfortable as I will change also"he said
I walked to where he kept my trowel as I picked what I need as walked to the bathroom. I took a hot shower as I was tired and wore one of comfortable pjs cause I can't wear a nightgown right in front of him, I came out as I saw he has already changed to his pjs.
"So ina zaka kwanta?" I asked him
He looked at me for a while and said
"On the bed ofcourse"
I swallowed hard as I said
"Where I'm I going to sleep"
" you can sleep on the floor or anywhere you feel comfortable" he replied
I felt something in my heart , "I can't sleep on the floor you that" I replied
"Okay fine I'm going to bed" he said as he climbed on the bed.
I sighs as I walked towards the bed as create a pillow wall by putting the pillows between us, he looked at me
"What are you doing" He asked sounding angry
"I'm trying to sleep , you sleep on your side and my side" I replied without looking at his eyes.
He hissed as he went back to sleep , I also layed on one of the pillows
"Make sure you wake up early you know we got a flight to catch" he whispered
That's the only thing I heard before engrossing into a deep slumber.
"Wake up you lazy bones it's already late" I heard him waking me up,
I weakly rubbed my eyes as I opened my eyes slowly as I saw his face an inch away from mine, any little move our face will be connected.
He moved back as I made way for me to get up,
" be fast if not in tafi in barki" he said
He wouldn't dare do that I thought to myself.
I hurriedly went to the washroom as I took my shower and perform ablution. I came out and I found he was on the prayer mat doing his morning azkar.
As I layed a prayer mat to perform my 2. After that, I went back into the bathroom and I got dressed into one of my comfortable gown .

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