AVisit to his house 🏘 Part one

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Two weeks later

Muhammad POV
It has been two weeks of our marriage and also the incidence that occurred between us , to which I hardly even see her even though we live at thesame place but she has been avoiding me,
What happened between I and Amina wasn't acceptable and I agree I'm at fault yeah but do I have to say such words to her omg I hope she won't hate me , ya Allah i said while rubbing my face.

I'm at the office and I can't even perform a single task all I was doing is thinking about my angry cat when suddenly my phone rang it was my mom ,
I picked up the phone as we exchange greetings
"How is my daughter" she asked
"She's doing well mama" I replied
"I hope you are taking good care of her"she continued
"Yes"I replied, I hate lying to mom but I can't help it
"Yauwa yau zaka kawo min daughter na ko" she continued
I even forgot that today we are spending the evening at my parents house
"Eh mama Insha Allah Dana koma gida zamu zo"I answered
"Okay Allah ya kawo ku lafiya take care of yourself habibi and also my daughter" she said as she hang off
I rubbed my palms on my face as I was thinking of how to tell amina about this because it has been weeks since I've set my eyes on her.

I picked up my coat as I walked out of the office as I drove back home.
I walked inside the house as I saw Amina sitting in one of the couches as she was playing a game on her phone I think she didn't noticed my arrival as I cleared my throat to approve my presence. She startled 😱 as she looked at me as if she's seen a ghost, she stood up and she was looking Beautiful as she was wearing a green colored atamfa, she was about to leave but I immediately stop her .

Amina POV
It has been two weeks since the incidence that happened between us , since that night I've been trying all possible ways to avoid him and Alhmdllh I've succeed.
I woke up as I perform my daily routine and I went through my wardrobe and got dressed in a green colored atamfa (Ankara)as I  applied a light make up on my face . I picked my phone and snapped some pics , I'm photogenic yeah I love taking pictures 😁

Amina outfit ☝🏻After which I walked downstairs to meet aunty maimuna, we chats for hours and I really enjoyed her company a lot it makes me feel like I'm with my mom after that I was bored so I walked to the living room to watch tv but the bad ne...

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Amina outfit ☝🏻
After which I walked downstairs to meet aunty maimuna, we chats for hours and I really enjoyed her company a lot it makes me feel like I'm with my mom after that I was bored so I walked to the living room to watch tv but the bad news is that there is nothing interesting to watch so I decided to play my fav game candy crush on my phone.

I was lost in my game until I heard someone clearing his throat as I was startled 😯 oh it was muhammad he really scared the life out of me . Immediately the flashes of the incidence that occurred came back to me as I was about to leave the parlor but stop when he called me
"Ki shirya zamu tafi wajen momma , she's been asking about you" he said and walked away.
I let out a heavy breath as I went back to my room to refreshen up I can't go to momma place like this .

I wore one of my bridal dresses, a blue ankara with brown touches as I tied my laffaya (a kanuri veil)around my head as I picked a black bag to match my outfit.

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