The wedding(nikaah)👫

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Amina POV
Today is my wedding day with mr arrogant I don't know how I feel about it, I'm not sad nor happy but I'm glad my parents are. The noise of the people roaming about won't let a human being sleep 😴 peaceful, I'm very sleepy cause I haven't slept last night thinking about The Whole marriage stuffs, someone jumped on me and shout
"Besty wake up" I quickly woke up and was frightened as I saw zainab smirking at me , I breath out slowing as my heart was beating fast
"Wallah besty bana son haka taya Ina bacci zaki zo ki frigita ni haba mstww" I said and pull the duvet again and went back to my sleep.
I could heard her evil chuckles and I know  what she's capable of doing, i quickly got off the bed as she burst into laughter and said "

"wallahi da baki tashi ba ruwan sanyi zan kwara maki"
I hissed and made my way to the restroom to shower, after some couples of hours i came out of the restroom as I could hear the elderly women in the parlor cheering and yelling "Alhmdllh aure yayi" as they held the tip of their noses and make those sound "guda".

Aysha burst her way into my room and hug me like her life depend on me saying " Alhmdllh Masha darling sis congratulations on your marriage" I hugged her back as I could feel some hot tears flowing down my cheeks as I couldn't detect if they are tears of joy or the opposite.
Same goes to my other sisters and family and my friends.
After some couple of minutes I heard the incoming message ringtone of my phone , the message was from Mr arrogant "Congratulations on being mrs Muhammad Usman mai gold", which increase the beat of my heart and I burst into tears as I forgot I was in my bathrobe but I didn't care all i know is that I'm totally leaving my family behind.

Mamie came in and she saw me crying because I was on top of my bed, she shook her head and walked towards me as she pat my back, i turned to have a look on the person as I saw her I quickly hugged my mamie and sobbed even more.
"Shush my darling don't cry on a happy occasion, Shush 🤫 we are all here for u , I know it will be difficult for you but you will get use to it kinji baby oya wipe those tears from your pretty face" she consoled me , I was still scared but have to put on a smile.
"Dats how amarya(bride) suppose to look"she teased and I blushed
"Good get up dear and get ready kafin mutane su cika gidan" she conclude as she made her way out of my room.

Just then zainab, nusaiba and my friends budged into the room all smiling and teasing me. I blushed as zainab bought out a purple material with a purple laffaya for me to wear.
"Ammie tace ki shirya a cikin su kafin dinner"zainab said
I smiled and nusaiba did my makeup as I told her to put on something simple on my face and Masha Allah she's good
"I didn't know you are a makeup artist" zainab chuckles
Nusaiba smiled and said " I know I'm good don't flatter me" swaying her invisible hair as we all laughed at their drama.

"Ammie tace ki shirya a cikin su kafin dinner"zainab said I smiled and nusaiba did my makeup as I told her to put on something simple on my face and Masha Allah she's good "I didn't know you are a makeup artist" zainab chuckles Nusaiba smiled and ...

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Amina ☝🏻

Muhammad POV
"Haba buddy ace har yanxu baka tashi ba and you know very well today is your wedding Fatiha" Khalifa said as he pulled the duvet Muhammad was laying in it
"Ahh leave me" muhammad groan as he pulled back the duvet
Khalifa sighed angry and said " wlh In Baka tashi ba zan je Na kira momma"
I quickly got up as I know she won't take it likely with me.
He smirk and said "kaga angon aminatu bada kanka a sare kazo gida kace ma momma ya fadi"
I threw a pillow at him and smirk
He ducked as the pillow missed him
"Kanason kama my wife Asara" he whined dramatically as I shook my head and said
" ban San yaushe ka zama haka ba"as I got out of bed and went into the bathroom as I could hear his reply
" A lokacin da na auri nusaiba"while laughing,
As I took my shower, I walked to my closet but before I could do that Khalifa stopped me and said " dan Autan momma , Ai ta kawo ma Kayan da zaka za and pls hurry up it's almost time for the wedding Fatiha" he concluded, I nod my head , it was a white shadda with an amazing embroidery and I went to the closet to get ready.

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