Good news😁😊

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Amina POV
I don't know what's up with muhammad about going to see a doctor oh well I'm perfectly fine and I ain't sick or whatever.just then he came into the room
"Baby wai kina nufin baki shirya bane, you know we have an appointment ko" he said
"Umm um nifa na fada maka I'm alright " I replied
He frowned his face and walked towards me he picked me up and walked towards the bathroom,
"Get ready ko kuma ni na maki wanka" he smirked
"Ummm Umm barshi zanyi " I replied
He smiled as he put me down and walked out of the bathroom.
I quickly freshen up , I came out and saw him sitting on the bed , I pout and walked towards the mirror, I was applying lotion on my hand when he hugged me
"Is my baby angry with me" he asked
And I didn't reply back, he grab the lotion from my hand and helped me to apply it .
He walked towards the closet as he got me some clothes to wear . He helped me to get ready in a yellow lace as he held me a matching veil.

Amina outfit ☝🏻He held my hand and whispered "You look beautiful baby" in my ear as he peck me on the lips which made me to blush "I'm I forgiven " he pout I nod my head as he peck me again on my lips "Okay let's get going"he said grabbing my han...

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Amina outfit ☝🏻
He held my hand and whispered
"You look beautiful baby" in my ear as he peck me on the lips which made me to blush
"I'm I forgiven " he pout
I nod my head as he peck me again on my lips
"Okay let's get going"he said grabbing my hands in his as we walked towards the car and drove away to the hospital.

As we walked towards the hospital, he made a call as I held my hand, we walked into an office , there was a young woman to which by age is far older than both of us and maybe Momma age. She smiled to both of us as she said
"Yau mamman nake gani, yaushe Rabo" she was smiling
"Ayya umma I'm soo sorry I was so caught up with work and all that" he replied
"Masha Allah you brought your wife along"she said smiling at me .
I bow down and greeted her as she held me and pulled me in a warm hug .
"Lafiya klau my daughter I hope my son baya takura min ke ko"she asked as I smiled shyly
We both took our seat as she turned to muhammad
"So what's wrong na ganka a asibiti" she asked
"Yauwa umma I think something is wrong with Amina, she almost sleep 24hrs a rana , the food she's eating ma is not healthy always shawarma, yourgurt and all tha, shi ne na kawo a ki duba min ita " he said worriedly as I felt like the earth should just swallow me alive he's making me feel uncomfortable infront of umma.
She smiled as she asked me a few questions including my period which made me to feel somehow , she smiled as she called a nurse
"Kije da ita , ki dauki sample na fisarin ta sannan ki kai lab ayi p test" she said to the lady .
"My daughter ki bi ta" she said smiling
I followed the young lady
"Mai kuma ya faru umma is something wrong with her ne" I asked worriedly
Umma smiled at me and said
"Muhammad kenan ba abun da yake damun ya kawai dai test zaa mata inason in tabbatar da wani abu don't worry okay"
I just nod my head as Amina came back and sit.
Just a few minutes later the nurse came back with some files as she gave it to umma. She went through the files as I saw how she was smiling and he looked at both of us smiling
"Okay how will I say this to you" she said still smiling
"Menene umma" I asked worriedly
"Umm Toh wannan abun dai" she said
"Haba umma pls tell me" I asked
She smiled as she said
"Congratulations my son , ur wife is a month pregnant"
I let the words sink into my head
"Do you mean pregnant for giving birth" I asked
"Kaji jairi I mean u are going to be a father " she said
I looked at umma and back to amina, I was far beyond happy and I go down in sujjod and pray
I picked up Amina In a bridal style as I twirl with her
"Alhmdllh Alhmdllh we are going to be parents mi amor I love you soo much " i almost shout kissing her all over her face forgetting that umma was still there .
I heard a door closed as I looked around and found that umma wasn't around, I scratched the back of my head as I looked into Amina eyes .
The moment umma announced that I'm pregnant I felt something is it happiness or what like I'm really pregnant and that too with muhammad, like seriously I'm carrying a human being and that too Muhammad's son flesh and blood ya Allah I silently prayed to Allah for this wonderful gift he has blessed me.
Just then I surprised me he lifted me up and twirled me that too in front of umma , I felt so embarrassed as he kissing me all over the face.
We heard some sound, as we looked around to find out that umma has already left
"Kaga ka bani kunya gaban umma ko" I said pouting
He peck me on the lips as he held his ears
"I'm sorry baby I was happy I'm going to be a father" he yelled excitedly.
Just then he bought out his phone and stated calling everyone and giving them the good news as to me I was far beyound shy ☺️
Before we left umma gave us some pregnancy advice to what I'm supposed to do and not do during my pregnancy. And we left the hospital
At the entrance of the hospital muhammad bought out of bunch of money and started sharing the money for the crippled people and poor , I saw the happiness in his face.
He drove the car and went back home , he exit the car and he opened the door for me and picked me up and walked towards the house
"Ah habibi I can walk mana" I whined
"Nope umma tace you should not stress so don't worry " he replied
"Yanxu habibi tafiyar ce stress" I asked
"Yep habibty And you have the rest don't worry I've called mama and she will send salma for you" he said as I kissed me on my lips and tommy, as he laid me on the bed.
"Where are you going" I asked
"Don't worry I will be back in some minutes "he said as I smiled at him.

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