Zainab's wedding 💑

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Time flies wallahi and
Wow I still can't believe my best friend is getting married 👰🏻 today omg 😮 I'm so happy 😀. Im still at home in my room trying to put on the anko , the blouse fit in but with great difficulty and the stupid shirt won't fit in , I don't know what's wrong with me because I've add weight these days and almost all my clothes are not fitting me properly .
"Mi amor you are making us to be late ain't u ready yet" he said as he entered the room
"Oh I see the clothes won't just fit in I told you bae you've added weight but you won't agree with me see" he said as he laughed at me
"Would  you just stand there and help me" I yelled through the shirt cause I've already put it on it won't just fit in and I'm finding a great difficulty in trying to fit in.
He smiled as he walked towards me to help me
"I'm sorry to say fatty it won't just go" he said chuckling
I wish to just smack his head right away he knows I hate to be called that.
He removed the shirt and went towards the wardrobe and brought out an oversized bubu for me to wear. I frowned my face and I looked at the bubu,
"Haba habibi you know na fada maka Rigan nan fa yamin yawa and kuma gaskiya ni ankon nan nakeso na saka" I said as my eyes started watering. He came close to me and smile
"Trust me mi amor it will look great on you and kuma it's the only outfit that will fit you" he said the last part teasingly
I playfully hit his chest as I pout , I took the green bubu as I wore it and to my surprise it fits me perfectly,as it was matching his outfit, he drawed me towards the mirror as he hugged me from behind and whispered
"You are looking so beautiful 😍 kamar kar ki tafi Wlh"he said that part sadly
I smiled as I cupped his face
"Aww my baby is going to miss me don't worry 😉 ai muna tare ko" I winked at him
"Okay let's get going before you bestie kill me" he chuckles,
"Oh first let's take a selfie 🤳" I said holding him back.

We drove to Zainab's house as he parked the car , I was about to open the car door when he held my hand, I looked at him as I saw how he pouted like a cute little 6yr old kid which made me to smileI raised my eyebrows at him as he draw me more clo...

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We drove to Zainab's house as he parked the car , I was about to open the car door when he held my hand, I looked at him as I saw how he pouted like a cute little 6yr old kid which made me to smile
I raised my eyebrows at him as he draw me more closely to him as our face is an inch apart from each other
"Yanxu tafiya zakiyi ki barni mi amor" he said
I smiled at him as I said
"You know ai anjima zaka zo dauka na after the reception
He frowned his face
"Aa don't go anywhere I will take you there da kaina Okay banason aita kallon min mata ok" he said that seriously
I smiled as i kissed his cheeks
"Insha Allah habibi I gotta go " I said trying to free my hand from his as he draw me even closer
"Okay but first let me say goodbye" he said and before I could say anything he sealed his lips with mine.
"Take care baby and pls ban da yawo kinga akwai maza a gidan kuma banaso su dinga kallon ki and if ma zaki fito Ki sa mayafi ok " he replied
"Yes habibi" I answered as we bid each other. He watched me as I entered the house then he drove away.

Entering the house I met umma and some guest at the parlor as I greet them and went straight to Zainab's room.
She hugged me tightly as she burst into tears
"Shuhh bae why are you crying " I asked
"Yanxu kenan I'm married and I'm gonna leave this house " she cried
"Bestie Pls stop ai aure ba mutuwa ba, you ain't be leaving them forever aa , a haka zaki saba Nima kinga I've passed through it and believe me Insha Allah every thing will work out since you both love each other" I tried to console her
"Okay by the way mai yasa kikayi late bayan kinsan your my one and only besty" she said looking at me
"I'm soo sorry besty" as I told about the anko
"Banza kodai mun samu eeehhh" she teases
"Ke bana son haka Toh banida komai Toh"I said
"Koma dai menene In tayi tsami ma ji" she said
"Oho dai ni dai ki zo ki shirya mana kinsan we are getting late for the reception " I said

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