Nigeria ❤️

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Amina POV
We are all parking and about to leave for Nigeria 🇳🇬 my home town how I've missed my family friends and sisters, I was about to close the zip of my bag as I felt some strong 💪 arms around my waist as he sniffed his head on my hair
"Wai har yanxu baki gama bane" he groaned like a small child
Ever since the confession it's been 2 days now he's now a complete changed person and I must say I love this muhammad even more, he is sooo caring, loving and all that. That night changed everything about us iya was one memorable night.
"Um um stop ka barni na gama aiki na mana" i replied
"Yanxu kenan kina nufin aikin ki ya fini ne" he grumbled
He's acting so sturbornly these days, I turned to face him as I peaked him on the cheeks
"Okay yanxu ka bari na gama aikin nawa ko zan hada maka coffee okay" I smirk at him
Without any hesitation he replied "ok" and went to the parlor. We haven't left the farmhouse since that day and I'm glad we left the hotel, I prefer this place much more than that hotel.
After some while of parking, I've parked his bags and mine because we will be leaving for Nigeria 🇳🇬 early in the morning.
I went to the parlor to check on him as he was busy on his phone ugrh he's such a workaholic person, I went to the kitchen and prepare a simple Chinese rice and I bought out the yogurt 🍦 smoothie from the fridge.

I went to the parlor to check on him as he was busy on his phone ugrh he's such a workaholic person, I went to the kitchen and prepare a simple Chinese rice and I bought out the yogurt 🍦 smoothie  from the fridge

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Chinese rice 🍚 ☝🏻

Yogurt smoothie ☝🏻I picked them up in a tray as I begun to approach the parlor and he was still on him phone 📱 I sighs as I put the tray on a side table as I grab the phone from him"Assalamu alaikum sorry for interfering pls your boss is kindly ...

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Yogurt smoothie ☝🏻
I picked them up in a tray as I begun to approach the parlor and he was still on him phone 📱 I sighs as I put the tray on a side table as I grab the phone from him
"Assalamu alaikum sorry for interfering pls your boss is kindly busy he will call back" I said as I hang the phone. He was busy staring at me, I snapped my finger tips at his face
"Ya dai it's my time not time for work ka gane" I said in no joking way, he smiled as he pulled me towards him which make me to be obviously on top of him
"Umm mai yasa zaki Kashe man waya eh" he said softly as he was caressing my face, I smiled as I rubbed my fingers on his jawline
"It's my time habibi no phone ko ka manta ne" I replied, he pulled me closer this time our lips is only an inch apart . He whispered in my ears
"Oh really mi amor, gaskiya nikam im hungry"
I pulled out as I spanked his head with the cushion pillow
"You silly naughty boy"I yelled he laughed until his heart is content
"Oh no bad girl what are thinking I'm just hungry for food such a bad girl" he teases
I face palmed my self as I picked the pillow and continued beating him as he grab another pillow and guess what it's turns into a pillow fight , after what goes like an hour we were finally exhausted
"Toh yanxu zaaban abincin ne " he said
"Yes why not my love" I replied as I stood up to get the food tray and bought it to him.
"Oya open up" He said filling the spoon
"You just finished complaining that your hungry" I looked at him
"Yeah I'm hungry but I have to serve my lady first" he said in a British accent
I laughed at he way he bow 🙇 as in
" oh really I'm really happy 😊 " I said
He feed me as he feed himself, that's how it's goes until we finished the meal.
"Baby I forgot to tell you the work I came here to do was completely a success and so there will be an all white party 🎉 before we take off tomorrow so you have to get ready, I will go and finish some stuff I will be back won't stay long baby just 20minutes" he said as he peaked me on the lips
"Ok pls kayi sauri ka dawo " I pout
"Okay baby " he replied and he took his car keys and drove away.
It's almost isha time so I quickly went to the washroom to freshen up as I performed ablution
I layed my praying mat as I performed my prayer, I walked to the dressing room to pick an outfit, I was searching and just then I saw a red leather bag which says for mi amor , I opened it as I saw A white outfit , a trouser with a full knee shirt . It's a designer outfit.
I wore it as I applied a simple light makeup

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